遊山記:我說,他說,她說(1)― 世界上最大的樹

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夏天來了,學校放暑假了,我們全家出動,遊一遊加州的青山綠水。第一站是紅杉樹和國王峽穀國家公園,其實這是兩個公園,並排於Sierra Nevada山脈的南部,以及San Joaquin河穀的東側。我們在兩個公園中穿行,飽覽了雄偉的大山、崎嶇的山麓、幽深的峽穀和廣闊的溶洞,還有聞名遐邇的巨型紅杉樹 ― 世界上最大的樹!

Today we started on our vacation to Sequoia and Kings Canyon/Yosemite/San Jose Family Camp. It started with quite a boring drive to Fresno. The roads were curvy and the distance was long, making the car trip even longer. At Fresno, we went to Pho #2. The name was funny because there was a restaurant called Pho #1 in the same plaza. I felt the Pho was average; I actually like the Pho I had in San Francisco a lot more. Afterwards, we continued on the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. At the park, there were lots of Giant Sequoias, the largest trees in the world. The highlight of the forest we saw was the General Grant tree, the third largest tree in the world. The base of the tree was wider than a 3 lane highway. The other trees there were also wonders, as all of them were hundreds of years old and some over a thousand. That meant that the trees were alive before the Europeans ever discovered the continent.

On our way to the lodge, we saw the Kings River flowing by the road. The river’s flow is quite fast, apparently Class 5 level for water rafting. The white foam flowing down the river was quite captivating.

The lodge we are staying at tonight is more furnished than I expected for a National Park, albeit without a TV, minifridge, and microwave that are available in rooms in a typical hotels.

We started today to drive to the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. I got the worst seat, which was next to an overstuffed seat full of blankets, provisions, pillows, and so on. (I could spend a whole minute explaining about how undignified it is to sit in such a seat, but I won’t.) The good thing was that I got a footrest, an armrest, and a headrest (my brother’s shoulder). We also ate at Pho #75. I had to sneak some noodles from my brother to avoid near starvation.

First, we went to a part of the forest. I don’t really know the name of that part, but I’ll just call it tree-forest. Anyways, we walked up the driveway to find the tree-forest. It was very tiring. I was pooped out before we even reached the trails. Mommy was taking pictures along the way and shouting at Daddy because she suspected that Daddy was going the wrong way and we were supposed to go on a trail. I also saw a teeny tiny river. Then I saw some chipmunks. They probably were carrying acorns in their mouths. Poor chipmunks. It must be a hard life, running and scampering from cars.

The next thing we saw in the parking lot was the cars. We could have driven all the way up here in no time. I still had to rest my sorry self, though. I think I accumulated 1 mosquito bite, 1 empty juice box, 4 dirty hair bands, 1 semi-dirty hairband, and 194 might-have-been-sun-burns-if-I-had-been-in-the-sun-any-longer. Basically, I was glad to see the parking lot.

My brother can tell you the rest while I toast marshmallows over a camp fire. Then maybe I’ll make some s’mores. Or maybe I’ll look at some trees. I think I’ll do that. Bye.

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嗬嗬, 世界上最大的樹, 好滄桑! 又見小才女~ --夏雨雪-- 給 -夏雨雪- 發送悄悄話 -夏雨雪- 的博客首頁 (58 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 05:55:23

暑期快樂! -圈外閑人- 給 圈外閑人 發送悄悄話 圈外閑人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 09:17:04

回複:遊山記:我說,他說,她說(1)― 世界上最大的樹 -一片老薑- 給 一片老薑 發送悄悄話 一片老薑 的博客首頁 (312 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 09:01:43

對比度大! -圈外閑人- 給 圈外閑人 發送悄悄話 圈外閑人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 09:17:57

風景很棒 -fpxjz- 給 fpxjz 發送悄悄話 fpxjz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 10:54:05

-圈外閑人- 給 圈外閑人 發送悄悄話 圈外閑人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/08/2011 postreply 21:27:40
