Your instinct on your mom's searching your purse might be prejud

來源: 賈平凸 2010-11-09 07:14:07 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1088 bytes)
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Human beings come to instincts at averse situations to avoid the worst risk. You would run away with no hesitation when a tiger staying in a zoo cage jump towards you. Knowing the tiger is blocked by the cage would not help you because such instinct has been built in generations.

I wouldn't bother to analyse why most of us have the same instinct when we see another is at intimacy to our privacy. There is a recent example too. When Ravi turned on the video camera at Clementi, the instinct of some, if not most, opened up a Hate Crime. I am not arguing that it was not a possibility. It is a possibility with the lowest probability. Most probably, it would be curiosity. It was unfortunate that it is the curiosity that also has killed a cat.

I suggest you run away from your this instinct before it kills the family. In this case, that your mom is a family member of you is the cage. But this didn't help you coming to a harmful instinct. If you keep this instinct, it sure will ruin the cage--the family relation. By then, your instinct would become a reality.



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