
來源: 鐵匠 2011-05-11 20:24:52 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (14443 bytes)

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Welcome everyone to join ACSE Entrepreneurial Club seminar 科工專創業委員會講座

Time: 10AM-1PM, Saturday, 05/28/2011,

Venue: Rasmussen Room, Schaumburg Library, 130 South Roselle Road,  Schaumburg, IL.

This is a seminar free to ACSE members and the public, and here is the list of speakers and topics:

1. Sherry Shi, 擁有全美注冊會計師(CPA)資格證書的資深會計師, 曾任職於普華永道會計師事務所芝加哥總部, Currently 芝加哥華美聯豐會計師事務所的創建者和首席合夥人. Topic:  How to Choose Your Business Format for the Maximum Tax Benefits. 個人小商業的稅務好處, 個人小商業是否應該注冊公司, 什麽公司形式適合我, 規避稅務局審計風險, 如何處理稅務局信函及解決方案

2. Ann Trandai, has received the highest prestige designation of the top 10 % of Commercial Real Estate Professionals. She brings a wealth of experience and expertise in working with immigrants and international investors from Asia Pacific region. Topic: What To Expect When You Want to: Open a Business/Office, Lease a Warehouse, or Invest in Commercial Real Estate in USA. Learn Useful Techniques, Cash Flow, Pitfalls & Negotiation Skills in Commercial Real Estate Transactions

3. Jack Zhang, the Speaker will share his research on how to help Chinese consumer electronics products to establish brand in USA. 以改革開放以來曾經留學美國的華人的視角總結了自身的優勢和弱點,嚐試海外高端人才直接進入低端大宗成熟競爭激烈,但收入穩定的家電市場,進行OEM生產,將國內培養出無數百萬富豪的小家電製造優勢轉化成品牌優勢,在美國創立品牌企業.

After the seminar, we will have a networking lunch at SuperChina Buffet

331 West Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL

(847) 843-8683 ‎

Please take this opportunity to exchange business ideas and make new friends!



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