陌上美國 Moshang USA



(2022-03-19 09:38:43) 下一個



順便說一句,這個教授訪談視頻節目的翻譯,竟然是被油管黃標處罰的,顯然,Big Tech不歡迎這種與他們單一文化思想口徑不一致的事實;或者說,中文受到的言論審查,真是無所不在,無孔不入。

From "Governor Muscle's" Speech to An Inconvenient Truth about 1/6 Congress Incident 
#BilingualPosts #Congress #雙語
A recent video from the former California Governor Schwarzenegger, known as the "Governor Muscle", went viral and watched by tens of millions of people. The content was originally about his friendship with the Russian people. At a time when many people jumped into virtual signaling and indiscriminately "cancel" the Russian people and even their culture, such a voice reminds us that there are Russians also love peace and against the war. 
However, when I heard Schwarzenegger actually said, "There was a group of people in my country who also wanted to overthrow the government. For example, January 6 of last year, there were people engaging in an insurrection." This is very misleading for having an overstatement in a super popular video, not to mention that Schwarzenegger is indeed a Republican.
If you don't believe what I said, you should at least believe the liberal media CBS, and a leftist professor at the University of Chicago. Please watch this video (the link is pinned in the comment area), this professor spent a year doing a lot of research and investigation. The result is very clear - quote the professor's own words: "The 1/6 Congress incident is actually a mainstream movement by normal people.
By the way, the translation version of this professor's interview was actually yellow labelled and punished by YouTube. Obviously, The Big Tech does not welcome facts that are not in line with their monocultural ideology.

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pcboy888 回複 悄悄話 這麽扯到1月6號的事情也太...
這麽說吧,地上有一泡大便,普通人看了, 說,哦,地上有一泡大便呢。這時候,偉大的正確派人跳出來破口大罵:你竟然敢歪曲事實,說地上有一泡大便?肯定是被左派洗腦了,要麽你就是給萬惡的左派。這明明是地上有水、食物殘渣和一些昆蟲在上麵爬,這和你說的有本質的區別,你這個惡棍。。。。
ahniu 回複 悄悄話 自己開大truck,砸別人的 pruis 的惡糯,典型偽君子。
陌上美國 回複 悄悄話 轉發:“我即使不聽他那段一月六號,也不會吃他宣傳的那一套。這種喊話,和金門對廈門,廈門對金門那時候沒啥兩樣。問題是鵝毛都禁了主要社交媒體了,他這個喊話對誰喊? 外宣更多是對美內宣,摻沙子,試探輿論反應,為下一步動作做鋪墊……熟悉的配方,熟悉的味道。”
陌上美國 回複 悄悄話 轉發:“愛聽好話,聽溫情脈脈的話是人類的天性。一個演員出身的政客,說一些讀者文摘風格的心靈雞湯,再摻點沙子,很容易打動人。保守派如果不警覺起來,隻愛聽順耳的而不是看這些人做過什麽,曆史上還說過什麽,以後這種雞湯隻會越來越多。”
dong140 回複 悄悄話 贊老施。