

(2019-08-04 02:53:49) 下一個

Breast Cancer
Lucille R. Marchand MD, BSN, James A. Stewart MD, FACP, in Integrative Medicine (Fourth Edition), 2018
Nausea and Vomiting
Moxibustion, which stimulates acupuncture points with heat generated from burning herbal preparations, was evaluated in several clinical trials; some evidence showed that this therapy could significantly reduce nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy.134 The National Institutes of Health endorsed acupuncture for chemotherapy-associated nausea.135 The Society of Integrative Oncology, on review of the evidence, also strongly endorsed acupuncture for this indication.34 Acupressure of acupuncture point 6 at the wrist, sometimes stimulated with specialized wristbands, can help alleviate chemotherapy-related nausea34,136,137 (see Chapter 111).


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bluekitty 回複 悄悄話 回複 '業餘廚子' 的評論 :
業餘廚子 回複 悄悄話 真心希望癌症永遠離你遠去。
bluekitty 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Fanreninus' 的評論 :
Fanreninus 回複 悄悄話 那篇文裏這一段也值得注意:
The evidence is limited to suggest moxibustion is an effective supportive cancer care in nausea and vomiting. However, all studies have a high risk of bias so effectively there is not enough evidence to draw any conclusion. Further research is required to investigate whether there are specific benefits of moxibustion for supportive cancer care.
bluekitty 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 :
http://xima.tv/JJ9Zli 聽聽這個學習艾灸。 我現在用這個艾條及配套工具,非常好,在家用可以的。我以前買的也是煙大,不能在家用。現在做三伏灸最好時間。
bluekitty 回複 悄悄話 回複 '曉青'和 菲爾 的評論 :
無煙的要小心,很多是碳化後的什麽東西,已經沒有了艾絨的功效,就是烤的效果,容易上火,沒有溫通效果。http://xima.tv/JJ9Zli 聽聽這個音頻有幫助。
曉青 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 有無煙的還好,有煙的受不了:)
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 回複 '曉青' 的評論 : 家裏有,還沒怎麽用呢,味道挺大的。:)
曉青 回複 悄悄話 艾灸治很多病。