
女兒三歲 - Sep 5

(2017-01-19 20:34:21) 下一個

Sep 5

開學了,這學期給小寶轉到離家近的蒙校,今天是第一天。送她到教室門口,正準備告別的話,小寶抱住我:媽媽親一下,媽媽再見。又抱了一下姥姥,說姥姥再見。轉身衝老師揮揮手:good morning,然後直奔小櫃子去拿教具了。看來這倆星期在家憋壞了。

Sep 2


Aug 29:

今天是所在城市社區遊泳報名日。淩晨報名開放,晚點就沒了。早上爬起來,打開電腦報名。女兒看見也要用電腦,我問她:小寶還想遊泳嗎,媽給你報名。 她急切地回答,想,我很想,很想, 我一直在等你給我報名。然後她就一直自己安靜的玩,直到我告訴她報好了, 激動地說,今天可以去嗎?一個月前學過兩個level後,經常問我什麽時候還可以遊泳。我個人不喜歡遊泳,興趣單一,所以聽到女兒喜歡各種活動一定要支持。

Aug 28:


社交性很明顯了。到公園,老盆友不在,見到一個不認識的小朋友,幾次跑去和人打招呼,我叫xx,你叫什麽名字。那個小盆友不理她。也不受挫,繼續圍著那對兄妹跑,慢慢玩到一起了。 我有點驚訝她的表現:外向,主動,

Aug 17


女兒: 如果你是蟋蟀你幹什麽?

我:  我就勤勞準備過冬的食物.

女兒: 如果你是蟋蟀,你就整天玩。如果我是螞蚊. 我就把門關上不讓進,讓你凍死。

我: .......

書是從中國帶來的,我意識到挺沒同情心,需要改變: 蟋蟀餓昏了,螞蟻救了他,給他吃的,讓他取暖。蟋蟀很感動,認識到自己的錯誤。


Aug 6

今天中午女兒吃飯不想洗手,又要我給她裝很多,我沒滿足她。她嚎啕大哭,說媽媽不愛我了。我默默地想對策,她哭著跑到另一個房間,開始說媽媽是笨蛋.... 我並不生氣,但認為該管教,決定體罰 (照本宣科:Dare to discipline)。 我走到她的身邊,對她說, 她罵媽媽,我要打她屁股,然後就打了她屁股一下。她大哭:對不起,我錯了,你原諒我吧。我等了1-2分鍾後,對她說,媽媽非常愛你,媽媽永遠愛你。你因為媽媽讓你洗手,就罵媽媽,媽媽傷心了。她又哭著說,對不起。我心裏想應該讓她認識到錯誤。可她堅持說她沒錯 (不知是不是她不理解)。還沒想好怎麽辦,她已經睡著了。藝術含量太高,學習中...

Aug 3

下班買了菜。回到家白菜提到門裏。女兒幫我往廚房放。邊幹邊唱: 好孩子,好孩子,我是一個好孩子。她把ice cream, Frozen food 放到冷凍室。power,cereal放到櫥櫃裏。其他的放到counter top 便於我放到冷藏室。真是一個Sweet girl。

兒子今天太累,讓我幫他送報紙。女兒要一起去。我用車拉著報紙。 我帶著她送了一家。女兒非常興奮。急切的說: 媽媽,還送那個房子?我停到下一家路口,她拿了一份報紙: 是這家嗎。我告訴她貼著草地走,停到車庫門響或是車的聲音要趕快跑到草地上。媽媽看著你。她點頭:好的。小心翼翼地貼著草地走,馬路上遠處有車聲,她趕快轉頭看。看到沒車,接著走到人家門口,把報紙輕輕放下。就這樣送了好多家。完成最後一家後:媽媽,抱著我。一路抱回家。女兒和兒子天性很不一樣。女兒膽子小,非常乖。

July 31

女兒三歲。隻認識1-9,count from one to ten。認識3個字母。已經去幼兒園幾個月了。在幼兒園和小朋友用中文溝通。到現在基本不會說英語。可以聽懂instruction。 但是story time聽不懂, science time不能很好理解。為了中文好在家隻講中文, 可是現在要讓她看英文動畫。要教26字母 (查視力用).

Feb 28, 2017

Monday of the second week for daycare.

I picked up her late by 5 mins: 6:05!!!

Before leaving home..."我不去上學".

Arrived at the parking lot of the daycare "媽媽知道小寶在藍色的學校。媽媽會來接小寶"

Entered daycare. After changed cloth......she started warlking to her room. Ms. Ann greeted us and opened the gate...she just walked in wthout looking back at me!!!  After I signed a form and looked for her, she alreay choose a toy and was searching for a place to sit down. soon she found a spot, sit down and started to work with the toy.

I left the daycare completely worry free. When i realized the time, it was alreay 5:55pm. On my way rusing over to the daycare, I felt so bad: how could i forgot and leave her the last one there!!!.  My work place is very close to the daycare, so I arrived at 6:05. I found her in the lobby with a couple other kids and teachers: she seems... ok!!!. Oh my dear daugter. I started hugging and kissing her. you are my sweet heart.

Feb 26, 2017

今天帶女兒買遊泳衣。她指著一個帶花邊的。要這個。 過了一會看鞋子。拿了好幾雙試穿。最先看中了一個高跟鞋。穿上走來走去。表情美滋滋的。會臭美了。不過。女孩穿高跟鞋確實顯得亭亭玉立。。。盡管是兩歲多的


上學了 4 (Feb 24 Friday)

She had a very good time today.

在路上, 喊了幾次不上學. 打開最後一個門後. 撒嬌帶哭音說, "我不去". 我想抱她一下,可沒抱著. 她人已經走進去了.

I left without any worry this time, and worked whole day without thinking her much.

pick up at 5:30. unlike some kids wating at the gate. she was 'watch' a book with another girl.

wooho. First week is over. 好像成了!

Tips:  I talked to her about daycare and what to expected from time to time to her for few month.

         Visited the daycare with her few times

         bought her a toy she like and gave to her when pick her up the first day and some other small stuff such as cute pencel or cookie when pick her up.,

上學了 3

She cried a couple minutes

在路上, 表示不要上學,要和媽媽玩. Ms. A. greeted us at the gate. my daughter cried "一起玩". I opened the gate, and tell her stuff like I will pick you up.... I push her on the back gently. she walked in

picked up at  4:20. She was playing with play doug.

上學了 2

Second day of daycare.

"She stopped crying right after you left". The teacher told me when I picked her up on the second day of her daycare.

My daugher was OK when entered into the daycare center, but she did not want to go to her room. When the teacher greeted us at the gate, she started crying. I conforted her for a mininute. The teacher carried her and took her into the room. I closed the door and left.

I was a bit worried......

I picked her up at 3:50. They were at the playground for recess. There are kids standing by the fence looking for /expecting parents.  Ms. A saw me and called my daugher. She was playing and having fun. She does not know any English, so Ms. A. has to take her hand and direct her. She saw me and run to me.


上學了 1

Started daycare at 2 years and 9 month old.

"媽媽, 我沒有哭. 小寶真乖呀". This is what my dauther told me when I picked her up on her first day of daycare.

First day of school, I was nervous. The laday in the office showed us the room. Ms. A stepped out of the gate and greet us.  There is a gate and we can see the chilren are playing inside. My daugher pointed to the gate and asked me "打開.". I opened the gate and she entered. I sudently feel very un prepared. " I did not even say good bye and tell her that I will pick her up!". so I entered the room. My dauther saw another kid is working with something, said: "我也想玩".   "你跟老師要. 老師可好了.". She run to the teacher and requested. "我要玩那個".  Then she followed the teacher and I left.

....I was upset at the work and was not able to focus.  Phoned an hours later and was told "she is ok. she was a bit upset before going out for reccess but now she settled down".............Still I can not wait to pick her up at regular time and showed up at daycare around 2:45.

........I peeked through the door. She was eating snack with others. Ms. A saw me and tell me that she will take her out once they finish snack.

When I was called and walk over to her room, I saw her at the gate with the teacher. she looks puzzled. Withtout knowing any English, she did not know why the teacher took her to the gate.
when she saw me, she was very happy....run to me and told me "媽媽, 我沒有哭. 小寶真乖呀".

"She did not cry...only a little bit in the morning when we were dresing up to go outside for recess....She suddenly realized that there was no mom and she was not at home. But she settled down quickly". Ms. A. told me.

I did some preparation. I took her to this place a couple times. She showed interest of going inside to play. I also told her that I will take her to a daycare, and mom then goes to work and pick her up later with goodies.



1. 說話很溜. 特別愛說話. 說個不停

2. 特別愛自己動手. 自己刷牙,洗臉. 自己洗頭洗澡。

3.  特別愛幹活。自己從冰箱裏取食物, 然後用微波爐加熱吃(隻會熱18秒). 每次買菜後, 把東西從門口拉到廚房 (小跑著, 生怕被大人提走了).

4. 喜歡唱歌跳舞. 廣場舞 : -)

5. 特別甜.貼心. 總說長大會給我買這個那個.還是開著汽車去. hu.hu就到了.然後給我拿樓上來: "你就在家等著".  :-)

一句英語不會說. 數字不認識. 字母不認識. 不會塗色畫畫. 分不清顏色 需要讓醫生檢查一下.

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