


(2017-04-16 19:18:14) 下一個

   晚上決定看一部電影《It's a Wonderful Life》主人公George在公司麵臨破產,自己即將入獄的情況下決定跳橋自殺。上天聽到了他家人的祈禱,派了一位天使下凡幫助他。天使讓他進入一個沒有他的世界,George看到那些曾經受他幫助的人在沒有他的世界是多麽地不一樣,這時,他意識到原來自己對這些人有多麽的重要。George回到了原本的世界,意識到原來人生是非常美好的。





Hi Eileen,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing you this email to express my concern about your Youtube account being terminated lately. Couple days ago when I reached to your Youtube account to learn HSK as usual, I found out that your account was being deleted. Was there something wrong with the content or something else? Is there anything we as your followers can do to improve the situation? I just want to let you know that I have learned a lot from your lessons and I found yours is one of the most interesting Mandarin channels that I can find on Youtube. Both the HSK series and the daily life videos series are very beneficial to me.

I hope this email finds you well and if you have plan to rebuild your Youtube channel, please know at least you have my support.

Best Regards,



Keep up the great work guys!  I can feel all the hard work that has gone into your materials, and was sad to see it suddenly disappear from YouTube.  That must be tough and I feel you aren't getting the recognition or compensation you deserve for your work, so I wanted to contribute a portion of my first paycheck (of my life :) ) to you guys for your work.  I used to listen to your casual conversations while walking between classes, and now that I've finished learning the HSK vocab I will be using your example sentences to help me study.  Thanks so much!





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Joe是你 回複 悄悄話 回複 '華林' 的評論 : 這次被封我們也有錯,你女兒應該不會有這個問題。Subscribers那一欄,我們是可以發信息給他們的,所以我們發信息通知我們的訂閱學生,現在有免費的電子閃卡給他們用了,並附上了鏈接,可能是這些鏈接被youtube的軟件誤認為Spam,所以幾分鍾內就沒了。

華林 回複 悄悄話 什麽原因會被封賬戶啊?很想知道耶。因為我女兒經常也在油管上發些視頻
懶風 回複 悄悄話 真的很替你高興啊!感謝你為大眾所做的一切!
Joe是你 回複 悄悄話 回複 '為寫而寫' 的評論 : 謝謝鼓勵!
為寫而寫 回複 悄悄話 多好啊!為你高興。加油!