

辦公室故事 - 職場菜鳥

(2016-07-02 06:26:46) 下一個

一大早,收到客戶Y的3封email,是關於3個退貨的文件,其中2個退貨附上了所有的相關文件,另外一個缺了一個關鍵的我公司簽字的退貨證明(POD)。聽同事說Y是剛到她們公司不到一年的年輕姑娘,估計是一時疏忽,忘attach到email上了。因為Y的email口氣強硬,關鍵處還加了下劃線,並且提出8月份她們付款後將不再接受我們關於她們這些退貨扣款的任何詢問。所以我立刻回了她的email, 要求她把相關文件補齊,以免以後再有問題。沒想到,就這麽簡單的一件小事惹來不少麻煩。Y估計當天心情不好,突然暴跳如雷,出言不遜,也引發了我的鬥誌,決定借這個機會訓練一下懈怠的腦細胞。下麵是陸續收到和發出的email:

Y:    收到客戶email,口氣強硬,但paperwork 不全。

Please see attached of our Adjustment note 727112311 which has been applied into our system.
The goods has been returned and signed by T (your DRIVER) on Friday, 24/6/16.
We are not taking any enquiries regarding this credit note when the payment will be due on 31/08/16

Me:   要求提供缺失的POD(退貨證明)
Thanks for your email. Is that possible to provide a POD for the claim# 727112311?
Also, could you please email to B (B's email address) regarding the claims instead of me in future?
Many thanks
Y:   客戶突然報粗,完全沒發現自己忘記attach POD。

Do not be lazy.
I have sent an email this morning for all that paperworks 727112311 which your driver (T) has signed it .
Did you see or open the attach?
We are not providing POD if your driver has signed all the paperwork.
Please get more organise with your all departments or people instead bothering me to provide POD

Me:   按捺怒火,讓對方仔細檢查,並婉轉提醒對方注意職業態度。

I received 4 emails from you this morning regarding 3 claims. And I have opened all attachments. 2 claims(727112325, 727112309 are with all paper works. Only claim 727112311 was without GRA and POD. Please see the following email and the attached file you sent to me.
Please double check if you have sent me all paperworks as you said. It’s not easy to have professional attitude all the time and to see everything on your attachment.

Y:   客戶爆發,指責我方,並威脅將拖延付款。

I have sent all that GRR (GOODS RETURN REQUEST) 727112311 and POD TO YOUR COMPANY ALSO I CC TO S AND B on 21/06/16.
Lack of attention and co operation between your staffs
How many times I have to send it to your company?
I seems there was a big mess in return department at your company.
If this case is still going on from now on, I will be delaying processing all your invoices.

Me: (cc to customer's manager)   和客戶無法溝通,CC她的上司提醒她按照合同辦事。

As it stated on your claim copy that the goods were picked up on 24/6/2016. How did you send us the POD on 21/6/2016? Could you please double check?
Regarding to the processing of our invoices, please refer to the terms on the agreement between our 2 companies. I have copy these emails to your manager, please check with him/her what your procedure should be.

Y: (cc to her manager)   客戶去除處所有情緒用詞,環顧左右而言它。

I have sent GRR (GOODS RETURN REQUEST) on 21/06/16.
We received your GRA S351246 on 21/06/2016 from S's email
The goods has been picked up by your driver (T) on 24/06/2016.


Me: (cc to customer’s manager)   再次要求提供退貨證明,明示客戶不要浪費雙方時間。

All the emails regarding the claim 727112311 started with the following your reply. It was very rude and wasted both of our time. You said you had sent us POD for this claim. But after so many emails where is the POD? Could you please email to me to end this long conversation?


“ Do not be lazy...................................................................

Please get more organise with your all departments or people instead bothering me to provide POD ” 


Me: (cc to customer’s manager) 拒絕退款請求,要求還款

We have contacted your branch tried to resolve the issue regarding the attached claim.  However, we could not obtain a Proof of Delivery (POD) to state that goods contained in the claim have been returned to us.  Please be noticed that we are not able to raise credit note and claim727112311 is thus rejected.   Should the POD of the claim has been found, please send to us as soon as possible.  Otherwise, this claim is to be reversed and the deducted amount is to be paid back to us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further queries re above matters.

當天下午,Y打電話給我同事,因為她不願意和我講話,也不肯把POD 直接發給我。大罵發泄一頓後,最終提供了POD退貨證明。本想再給她多戳幾刀,又覺得小題大做,浪費感情,算了,把她放了。


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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
依泓 回複 悄悄話 太 不專業的工作郵件
Californian 回複 悄悄話 有時候email不太好用,簡單的語言可能引起不必要的麻煩。一個電話或許就能大事化小,小事化了。
日日晴天 回複 悄悄話 @trueworld 多謝留言。對方是澳洲最大的電器公司,400多家分店沒遇到一個會說中文的。咱自知英文差,如有說中文的機會,咋會白白放過呢?
trueworld 回複 悄悄話 一看便知是兩家中國人的公司之間在作生意
trueworld 回複 悄悄話 直接用中文溝通豈不更有效?