2016 (350)
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網安專家Mark Burnett給世界來個真玩的,將一千萬個用戶注冊用名密碼公布於世,據說注冊用名密碼“略施小計”即可獲取,嗬嗬。
Today I Am Releasing Ten Million Passwords
2015.02.09 Mark
Mark Burnet還專門爭辯美聯邦調查局不應據此逮捕他,夠幽默的。
Why the FBI Shouldn’t Arrest Me
Although researchers typically only release passwords, I am releasing usernames with the passwords. Analysis of usernames with passwords is an area that has been greatly neglected and can provide as much insight as studying passwords alone. Most researchers are afraid to publish usernames and passwords together because combined they become an authentication feature. If simply linking to already released authentication features in a private IRC channel was considered trafficking, surely the FBI would consider releasing the actual data to the public a crime.