**路上一見警車, 小酒就提醒,"Watch out, mommy, it's a police car, be careful!"
隻因為酒媽說過,被警察抓到,have to pay for ticket and will have no money to buy toys.
**酒媽最近常常被小老板口頭嘉獎,"Well done, mommy, I'm so proud of you!"
**寒流過去,帶小酒散步享受陽光。小酒被溫暖得感歎,"I really like sunshine, feel warm."
酒媽深有同感,"Me too."
"Me three." 小酒順口接上。----小家夥也知道這笑話了?
**聽小酒唱學校教的新歌,"I love you, you love me, we're happy fo-llow-me."
不對呀,讓她慢慢唱清楚, 還是 follow me.
酒媽一琢磨, 恍然,小酒把family 學岔了。
**小酒玩tea party, 抱套tea set到酒媽麵前,爬到耳邊叮囑,"Stop talking with grandma, this is your project, make tea and I'll come back to check." 儼然是個小老師。
擺好一堆碟碟杯杯,告誡酒媽和外婆,"This is my coffee, super hot, don’t touch it, ok?"基本能想象老師的樣子了,因為家裏是從來沒咖啡的。
**小酒上廁所要求直接坐馬桶,總得抓牢她怕她掉進去。酒媽嫌彎腰麻煩,連著2次讓她坐小馬桶圈,哄騙"Next time you can sit on the big toilet."
酒媽一聽詞兒, 樂歪了。
"多來米發索啦西,I will never sit on the big toilet, 哎呀呀,哎呀呀"
小酒聞言,開始刨沙,"I'll find it for him."
突然大叫,"I found it, I found it!"
竟是個 quarter.
2個媽媽齊讚:Lucky girl, you're rich now!
小酒把財產委托給酒媽,"Remember, keep it for me."
Found a quarter, found a quarter, found a quarter just now,
Just now I found a quarter, found a quarter just now.
Save in bank, save in bank, save in bank just now,
Just now I save in bank, save it for 16 years long.