
Yutang Lin has been my favorite writer

(2006-04-16 17:14:36) 下一個

Yutang Lin has been my favorite writer.

One has to find so much from his works I promise you my friends. As one of the few who mastered both western and eastern languages and cultures he  has been one of the best introducing eastern cultures into the west. Not widely known, he was the writer of some New York Times bestsellers. Moreover, his writings, Both novels and others, are so intense and rich in emotions with happiness or sorrow; they are indeed from the bottom of the heart and thus touch so many others' hearts. His love for life itself is so profound and deep that one can not miss it or help being stirred to look at himself or herslef. He cried at a very old age in the wheelchair in a supermarket for he realized life was so beautiful yet he was close to the end.

Item list I have read: 

Moment in Peking

Between tears and laughters

With love and irony

The wisdom of Laotse

The wisdom of Confucius

My contry and my people

A leaf in the storm

The red peony

The best of an old friend

The importance of living

Looking beyond

Famous Chines short stories

My dear friends, one would feel fortunate for oneself if one has come to his works.

Until then!



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笑的跟花兒一樣 回複 悄悄話 I love his writings too!! :)
but so far, I only read 'The importance of living' and some other short episodes such as 幽默的藝術,讀書的藝術, fun and enlightening! How do I find those other books in your list? from libary or online?