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1902年美國最流行英文歌In the Good Old Summer Time

(2013-04-26 13:27:41) 下一個
1902年排行第一的英文歌In the Good Old Summer Time (在昔日美好的夏日裏)

這首歌終於進入了1900-1909十年最受歡迎的一百首歌的前十名。它在我參照的這個排行榜中被排在了第10名。這首“在昔日美好的夏日裏”是出自美國大名鼎鼎的“叮當巷”。該巷是在紐約的一個音樂家匯集之所。這首歌的詞曲作者分別是Ren Shields和George Evans。據稱最初當Shields和Evans想把這首歌賣給一家紐約最大的音樂出版社的時候並不成功。出版商認定這類歌會在夏季結束的時候很快被人遺忘。他們的貴人是Blanche Ring。她不僅幫助Evans把這首歌改編成了鋼琴曲譜,而且在她極大熱忱的敦促下使得該曲終於被加進了她參演的1902年的音樂劇“辯護人”中。

“在昔日美好的夏日裏”成為了那個時代的大熱門,不僅樂譜熱賣而且還被當時的好多位音樂家錄製了唱片,甚至John Philip Sousa的樂隊也在1903年時錄製了該曲的唱片。在那之後的幾十年中,這首歌更是被反複翻唱。這首歌還被很多部電影使用,Jude Garland甚至以歌名命名了他的電影。小說《Elmer Gantry》就是以角色在沙龍醉後詠唱此曲開場的。


There's a time in each year
That we always hold dear,
Good old summer time;
With the birds and the trees-es,
And sweet scented breezes,
Good old summer time,
When you day's work is over
Then you are in clover,
And life is one beautiful rhyme,
No trouble annoying,
Each one is enjoying,
The good old summer time.
In the good old summer time,
In the good old summer time,
Strolling thro' the shady lanes
With your baby mine;
You hold her hand and she holds yours,
And that's a very good sign
That she's your tootsie wootsie
In the good old summer time.
To swim in the pool,
You'd play "hooky" from school,
Good old summer time;
You'd play "ring-a-rosie"
With Jim, Kate and Josie,
Good old summer time,
Those days full of pleasure
We now fondly treasure,
When we never thought it a crime
To go stealing cherries,
With face brown as berries,
Good old summer time.
In the good old summer time,
In the good old summer time,
Strolling thro' the shady lanes
With your baby mine;
You hold her hand and she holds yours,
And that's a very good sign
That she's your tootsie wootsie
In the good old summer time.




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