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Running 101: 防止受傷

(2013-04-27 11:16:47) 下一個
初跑者,如果以前沒有專業訓練曆史,目前沒有personal trainer,自我訓練的話,運用treadmill比較把握,速度、強度、連貫性比較容易自我調節控製。



隨時監控心跳,用心跳來掌控自身狀態,調整訓練強度。很多人用heart rate monitor without GPSgps對訓練本身沒幫助)$20-$30吧。控製好心跳,使心肌不至疲勞過度,才有下一次跑的精力,心肌能力、心肺功能會隨著跑步訓練須速加強,心肺、血糖、血脂、膽固醇等會因跑步明顯收益。
跑到體力心率都允許的時候,或者說每天能跑45+分時,可以一星期一次low heart rate long run, 連續跑1-2個小時(最好鼻子呼吸),跑完仍然精力充沛,就是比較合適的訓練強度
跑步可讓人體個內髒器官受益,但卻非常容易引起各種外傷。各種不同cross training,core training,有助於強健局部肌肉和筋腱,防止受傷,如abductor machine可防止ITBS;深蹲練習可加強膝蓋support,防止runners knee自行車有助low heart rate,尤其受傷期間。

Foam/form  roller可用於療傷,平時多用用,還可防止一些傷痛(請看另一篇《Foam Rollerhttp://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/31724/201305/4902.html


ITBS can result from one or more of the following training habits, anatomical abnormalities, or muscular imbalances:
Training habits:
  • Consistently running on a banked surface, which causes the downhill leg to bend slightly inward, causing extreme     stretching of the band against the femur (such as the shoulder of a road or an indoor track)
  • Inadequate warm-up or cool-down
  • Excessive up-hill and down-hill running
  • Positioning the feet "toed-in" to an excessive angle when cycling
  • Running up and down stairs
  • Hiking long distances
  • Rowing
  • Breaststroke
Abnormalities in leg/feet anatomy:
  • High or low arches
  • Supination of the foot
  • Excessive lower leg rotation due to over-pronation
  • Excessive foot strike force
  • Uneven leg length
  • Bowlegs or tightness about the iliotibial band.
Muscle imbalance:
  • Weak hip abductor muscles
  • Weak/non-firing multifidus muscle

Runner’s Knee: Runner's knee is also called patellofemoral pain syndrome.As the name suggests, runner's knee is a common ailment among runners. But it can also strike any athlete who does activities that require a lot of knee bending -- like walking, biking, and jumping. It usually causes aching pain around the kneecap.Runner's knee isn't really a condition itself. It's a loose term for several specific disorders with different causes. Runner's knee can result from:       
  • Overuse. Repeated bending of the knee can irritate the nerves of the kneecap. Overstretched tendons (tendons are the tissues that connect muscles to bones) may also cause the pain of runner's knee.      
  • Direct trauma to the knee, like a fall or blow.·        
  • Misalignment. If any of the bones are slightly out of their correct position -- or misaligned -- physical stress won't be evenly distributed through your body. Certain parts of your body may bear too much weight. This can cause pain and damage to the joints. Sometimes, the kneecap itself is slightly out of position.·        
  • Problems with the feet. Runner's knee can result from flat feet, also called fallen arches or over-pronation. This is a condition in which the impact of a step causes the arches of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.·        
  • Weak thigh muscles.

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