法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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為什麽要穿衣打扮?by 書菲

(2011-01-19 06:22:26) 下一個

其 實欣賞美好事物是一種能力!就和愛是一種能力一樣!
希望所有人都能在平凡的生活中, 繼續自己對美好事物的向往,在淡淡日子裏,給自己一個收集溫馨,瑰麗,喜悅的空間.收集的對象不僅是奢華的物品,一件首飾,一雙精巧的鞋子,一隻能拯救一身兒的便宜貨的靚包。有回憶,有向往,有歲月,有愛.


Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.
_Jean Cocteau, artist.

很多時尚達人並沒有天生模特身材,但他們有一條共同點- 就是清楚地了解自己的身形,懂得什麽樣的裁減/形狀的衣服是可揚長避短。
Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions。 

還有就是選對顏色,顏色是情緒的最有力的表現。紅要紅的正,藍要純, 紫要紫的高貴。 


There are three things that I won’t mind to spend a little more money on.

First is best basics – undergarments (including beddings), second is few bags and the third category is coat(coats).

Undergarments actually get the most use; we should give them a little more thought.

I truly believe that your accessories are a reflection of your personal aesthetic, so the bag you carry can say a lot about what your are feeling that day or the image you want to project. You tote can set the tone for your look.

You can’t go out without a coat, so choose a major statement maker.

Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.

Style Guide:

Rule #1: Don’t try to conform to anyone else’s taste. Your wardrobe should be a reflection of your sharp, style, interests, and preferences.

Rule #2: Embrace changes, Don’t be afraid to try something new.

Rule #3: Try it on. Fashion and style are experiential and visual, simple put, you have to try on the beard and the fringe before you know for sure they are wrong for you because your’re truly classic and tailored.

Rule #4: If you put something on and it doesn’t feel good, ake it off. Even if someone says a piece looks good on you..

Rule #5: Seek out and wear what you love. You can’t go wrong if you live life like this.

一個人要看起來高雅除了要化點功夫 選擇您的成套衣飾外,您還必須是走勢站姿完美。

To look pleasant besides choosing your outfit well, you have to be posture perfect.

I always think of my yoga teacher as taller than she really is because she has a presence.

It’s also because of the way she carries herself. Posture is not only important for the way you look in clothes; it is good for your self health and self-esteem. When you stand up straight and your back is aligned, you begin to feel taller and more confident; you even walk differently – with more purpose and elegance. Your carriage is important in maintaining back health, too. That is especially true as we get older. Good Posture is an instant anti-aging remedy.

1. Normal, neutral posture has been well established in the literature as illustrated in figure 1.


Not sure how to stand up straight? It’s easy. Stand against a wall and pull your shoulders back so that both your shoulder and your behind are touch the wall. Put your chin slightly up and straighten your neck. Now slip your hand into the space between the wall and your lower back. If you are standing properly, your hand should touch both the wall and your back. If it doesn’t, till you hips slightly back so it does.  Then walk straight wasy from the wall.  This is good posture. You may have to practice this move, but before long, prefect posture becomes instinctive and effortless.

Normal, neutral posture has been well established in the literature as illustrated in figure


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