
懷著我的夢想 (熱門博主)
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(2013-11-26 14:34:08) 下一個

       去年3月,在AZ 上法庭趕走一客戶,欠租兩月,加上律師費,維修費,共欠$3799,交給討債公司,本來就沒打算能要回來,都忘了這回事,事隔一年有餘,前天,看到賬上進了$1899,問PM,哪來的這筆錢?哈哈,是討債公司討來的,各一半,有一半拿回來也不錯喲。

       這米國的討債公司,看來還是有作為滴,有誰知道,他們是怎麽討賬滴? 渴望學習ing!


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懷著我的夢想 回複 悄悄話 Thank you, good to know.
雲上的熏衣草 回複 悄悄話 就是每天給你一到兩個電話,不停地煩你。我前兩年莫名其妙被討債公司騷擾,說我一張parking ticket 沒付,現在已經漲到$180。我根本沒去過他說的那地方,而且車子早都賣了。賣車時都要做vin check的,有沒付的ticket都賣不了。怎麽跟他說都不行
反正我認識那個號碼,手機又一直靜音,不理就完了。騷擾了我半年,停止了。我現在credit score還是很高。
newton123 回複 悄悄話 Debt-collection agent can check the debtor's account, take money or property for auction. Few debtors want that happen.
I collected an court-ordered debt early this year by myself. Simply by telling the debtor I can do the same thing as the debt-collection agent. But I can only do it through police office or agent, which may take some time.
Because the debt is going to be reported to credit evaluation company, the debtor's credit level will drop, and this will surely affect the loaning ability and the interest rate. The court will not close until the debt is paid off. The court need the satisfaction document from the creditor. When I wrote all these to the debtor, the money he owed completely came back to me, although this took me almost one year. Nobody want to lose money. When they have to make sacrifice, they do whatever best for themselves.