老哥XD (熱門博主)
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youli 回複 悄悄話 " One day, a talk show host tells a joke in TV show. One fat guy went to see a doctor and asked for suggestion for his diet plan. The doctor told him to eat 3 pcs bread every day. And he asked: Before meal or after meal? every people laughed when they heard this story from the talk show host. But some audience think the host didn't finish the story, so they write to the talk show host and ask him : eat 3 pcs bread before meal, or after meal? "

你知道嗎 ? 哪個說這笑話的人被投訴, 還被 Human Right Commission 控訴到法庭, 罪名是歧視肥胖.

laojie 回複 悄悄話 回複老哥XD的評論:本來好歹當你是可以有長進的,因此提醒了兩句。這個評論竟是往下流走了。請好自為之吧。
youli 回複 悄悄話 老哥, 不好意思, 我先斬後奏我先.
看了你的原帖, 很喜歡, 便把它轉載中國雅虎漂在海外版, 讓我也陪著你來挨磚頭.
wenjuyuan 回複 悄悄話 One needs a sense of difference between the following two words:

a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh).

vulgarity --- the fact of being rude or not having good taste; a rude object, picture, etc.: She was offended by the vulgarity of their jokes. a pornographic magazine full of vulgarities.

wenjuyuan 回複 悄悄話 Communication via the internet is different from the face-to-face communication. It takes greater efforts from both the writer and the readers to make it successful. If you think your sense of humor fails to reach your readers, it may be partly because your readers' sense of humor differs from yours in terms of appropriateness, and it may also be because your language style is too unique to be recognized as it is intended to mean. The causes are many and diverse. To say that the lack of sense of humor on your readers' side is the only cause is a proof of lack of imagination in you as a writer. So please continue to write to improve your rhetorical skills and, particularly, develope a better awareness of your audience, if you truly mean to write for them to enjoy.
presidentlovemaomao 回複 悄悄話 第一次看到你的那篇文章,就覺得有點偏激。既然你自己有失偏頗,被姐妹們批判也是情理之中的。想不到你又搞出一篇為自己辯解,真是穢人不倦啊,嗬嗬。

我不是恐龍 回複 悄悄話 看那麽多評論,好像很多出於女性之口,張嘴罵人用詞可真夠潑啊。那些女人是不是人們常說的那種舉止不端莊,氣質不優雅,連坐沙發上都把兩個大腿往外劈的那種中年華婦啊?

讓我再愛你一次 回複 悄悄話 什麽叫幽默?
龍鳥 回複 悄悄話 又一個千錯萬錯都是別人的錯,千對萬對都是自己的對自戀博主
pinkpony 回複 悄悄話 回複中那些張口就‘中華民族’,‘北美華人’的也太一棒子打倒一片了吧。以為自己是誰啊。。。

pinkpony 回複 悄悄話 玉清清82 meimei夠幽默!
mychina 回複 悄悄話 中華民族本來就不是幽默的民族,即使是又點幽默也是表麵幽默。你稍微外族一點的幽默就會招罵,其實,很多人看不懂你的帖子的。這事常有,我都習慣了。
laojie 回複 悄悄話 一個相聲演員,說了個沒人笑的故事。不但不反省一下,該天弄個好的來,反而指責觀眾不懂幽默,
老楊 回複 悄悄話 知道嗎?我曾聽到有的男式說,絕對不找那些年齡老大,沒交過男朋友的女孩做長期伴侶的候選人,她們不懂得有滋有味的愛,至少比較單調.所以,那些曾經愛過,還在尋覓的女孩,不必擔憂.隻要你願意付出真摯的愛,還是有人期待著的....
laojie 回複 悄悄話 倘若是幽默,何必解釋?又怎知“義憤填膺”不是”幽默“?
玉清清82 回複 悄悄話 不是,咱們不懂幽默,實在是您老人家老拿那層膜說事兒, 實在缺乏男女平等的思想。

換個母係氏族 時代, 偶第一個振臂一呼,要姐妹們給男人們戴上貞操帶,還給表現如您老這麽好的同學立個貞節牌坊!

colourofwind 回複 悄悄話 Chinese live in North American is not necessary better than Chinese in china. they may only good at math or electronices. And even not smart, some is only study hard so can get a degree.

People i see in Canada, maybe work in a big company, with ralatively good pay. But still lives a very low standard life. lives in a big house, but don't have any furniture, let alone decorate the house. Even save money at grocery shopping, only buy cheap food.

I know some people live here for 10 years, never been to a movie, let alone go to conert. So i was thinking why chinese always complain, we can not fit into main stream society, it is not people don't accept you, it is you didn't do anything, or you don't have quality to do that.

But they won't admit that, they think they are better, one day when i said, i can not find a good place to eat when i have lunch with some chinese colleagues. , they all start to attack me, why you don't go back to China.
金色的麥田 回複 悄悄話 說真的我當時看了標題,也不想進來,但後來看了內容感覺挺逗的。正想誇兩句呢,一看大夥兒的留言,嚇得不感吱聲了。
999ggg 回複 悄悄話 俺和你有同感。太多的所謂精英紮堆到北美,就算混出頭了,卻混雜了不同的文化在腦子裏,不見得全都是精華,有的也就邯鄲學步了。顯示在國內苦讀掙紮,又經過了在此間的痛苦的再生,很多人已經成了怪物。幽默需要文化環境,你老理解一下吧。我在國內的時候看的很多海龜,有了位置後,整個就一個精神暴發戶,本質上並不比不識字的大款強多少。這倒像是另一種幽默。