
海外存知己,天涯若比鄰. 我們的共同愛好讓我們聚在一起,讓我們以食為慶吧!
suezi-q (熱門博主)
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Sous Vide Strip Steak & Basque Burnt Cheesecake - 煎水浴牛排 & 巴斯克焦香芝

(2020-05-22 20:31:05) 下一個








這個Sous Vide 工具買了好幾年了,用了大約不上五次,不記得上過帖沒有,今天就認真的做個帖介紹一下,


家裏有抽真空的機器,但不一定要用,我這次就用了ziplock 袋子,浸入水中,空氣就排出來了,再封住口,就是真空了。

這次用的牛排在冰箱裏age 了兩天,裹上橄攬油,撒鹽和黑胡椒粉,再加一點Thyme, Rosemary, 蒜,用石盅子捶一下,方便釋放出來香味,放進袋子,再放入130F 溫度的水裏,兩小時,取出,用紙擦幹淨水和香料,在室內涼幹和涼涼,約半小時。

把厚實的平底鍋加到極熱,我用的是mauviel copper sauté pan, 很適合煎肉,邊比較高,油不太容易濺出來,倒入葡萄籽油,放入牛排,同時加入香草,黃油,一麵煎一分鍾就可以了,金黃焦香,再把周邊也煎一下,出鍋,隻要醒五分鍾就可以了,perfect medium rare.

平常用鍋煎熟的牛排煎到125F 取出要醒10分鍾,這樣做的牛排,還會繼續加溫,carryover cooking 到 130F。









還是兩個配菜,奶油菠菜,creamed spinach, 配牛排的最愛,

用黃油3大勺炒香半個白洋蔥,加入幹辣椒末,蒜末,再炒香,倒入1/4 杯麵粉炒香,倒入半杯牛奶,加入nutmeg 粉,加 1/3 杯 gruyere cheese 拌炒均勻成糊狀,加1/2小勺鹽和黑胡椒粉,倒入解凍,擠幹水分的菠菜,拌勻就好了。


加了牛奶,gruyere cheese, 很好吃。


還有一個couscous, 用雞湯,橄欖油,黃薑粉,鹽,胡椒粉,很快的。

還做了一個出名的 Basque Burnt Cheesecake,這個是我認為最好的方子


What you’ll need

  • 430g cream cheese, room temperature
  • 120g caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs, room temp (approx 150g of eggs without shell)
  • 270g heavy cream/thickened cream (35% min fat content)
  • 20g cake flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

Making it

Line 6” circle cake tin with 2 layers of baking paper and trimmed to have an overhanging amount of 1.5″-2″.

Beat sugar and cream cheese together on medium until smooth and you can’t feel the sugar granules any longer. Scrape the bowl.

Add eggs one at a time and beat on medium until smooth. Scrape the bowl again to ensure that nothing sticks to the sides for even mixing.

Add the vanilla and lemon juice and beat until just mixed.

In a seperate bowl, mix flour and 1/4 of the cream and mix until smooth. Add another 1/4 more cream, mix, and then add the rest and mix until smooth. (Adding the flour a small amount at the time allows you to mix out any lumps that may form by creating a paste at the start.)

Slowly pour the cream/flour mixture into the cheese mixture whilst the mixer is beating on low until mixed through. Increase speed to medium and mix for 15 seconds just to ensure it’s all combined.

Preheat your oven and bake at 240C for 30-35mins until top is dark amber and almost charred at parts but the middles still has a wobble to them when you give the pan a jiggle.

Let cool in the tin fully on a wire rack at room temperature to allow the cheesecake to set.

Remove from the baking tin and enjoy at room temperature.

For a less “gooey” center, place into the fridge after cooled to allow it to chill and set.











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