
海外存知己,天涯若比鄰. 我們的共同愛好讓我們聚在一起,讓我們以食為慶吧!
suezi-q (熱門博主)
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(2008-04-25 13:30:12) 下一個

大家有人知道江西是產樟木的地方嗎? 這就是為什麽我會對它有特殊的感情.

不知有人還記得,我在私房上的第一道菜就是這個烤三文魚,當時剛從朋友那裏得知有這個網站,很興奮, 也不知深淺,就急不可待地上了這道菜, 當時又不會上貼,貼圖,和馬中文字, 多虧好心的JMM幫忙,毛毛媽還教會了我把圖縮小, 咳, 想想都快一年了.

私房裏真是藏龍臥虎, 在這裏是大開眼界啊, 長了不少見識, 學了不少手藝, 今天在此再向大家深表謝意! 同時把這道菜再好好地寫出來跟大家分享.

買來的樟木板,可以用來烤排骨, 雞, 等其它東西, 上麵有幾個方子, 我用了烤三文魚那個, 很好吃, 請客時很收歡迎, 也好做, 直接連木板擺在桌上也別有味道.

用這個烤魚最大的好處是魚肉很嫩, 很有水份, 不粘烤盤或grill grids,做三文魚最理想, 三文魚很容易烤老烤幹, 用這個方法是零失敗的.

我上次貼的是用 BBQ grill 爐子烤的, 香味十足. 用烤箱也很方便, 屋裏沒有煙味, 很棒,

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1- pre-heat oven to 350F

2- soak cedar plank with water for 30 min, weighted down with heavy pot, or half time, turn to other side.

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3- bake blank cedar wood plank for 5 min in 350F oven

4- rub salmon with dry seasoning mixture; allow salmon to rest for 5 min after seasoning with the dry rub:

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dry rub:
1 TB black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne
1/2 tsp Chile powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp fresh rosemary, minced (optional)
1/2 tsp garlic powder (or fresh minced garlic)
1/2 tsp salt

5- then before baking, brush with wet seasoning:

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wet coating:

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1/4 cup honey
1/4 rice vinegar

place salmon on plank, place plank on a baking sheet, then place in the center of oven. Bake in 350F for 10-15 min depends on how thick the salmon is.

The plank used in oven can be reused 3 to 4 times, where as if used in grill can only be used once. But the smoky flavor is more prominent if cooked in a grill.


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看這一頭是厚一點的, 愛吃帶一點生的吃這邊:

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看這一頭是薄一點的, 熟透了,但還是很濕潤, 愛吃熟一點的吃這邊:

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總之, 都是入口即化, 味道我就不知道如何來文字來表達了, 你們就隻能自己去試試了. 好吃

的三文魚就是這樣做出來的,口感, 香味..都在這裏體現了.


烤紅薯條— 一般我一用烤箱就多用一點,配菜我也盡量也解決掉. 這個烤紅薯我也竭力推薦, 好吃.

紅薯切條後,拌一點橄欖油,灑一點鹽和黑胡椒粉, 再拌一點 切碎的 rosemary, 進 400 F 烤箱, 烤35分鍾.

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開水裏加鹽和油, 放雪豆和胡蘿卜片燙一下就是個 side dish 了.

再來個甜點: 蘋果派沒少做, 孩子們小的時候, 常做了帶給學校給老師拍馬屁, 不過好久沒做了, 這次用了個新方子, 有點生手了.

Ina Garten’s deep dish apple pie – 這個派用的蘋果特別多.

Perfect pie crust

3 cup AP flour
1 tsp kosher salt (you can use ½ tsp table salt)
1 table spoon sugar
12 TB (1 ½ stick) very cold cubed unsalted butter
1/3 cup of very cold vegetable shortening cubed (I used Crisco shortening)
6 to 8 TB ice water

I did not follow her steps strictly, this is how I did it, in food processor, add all ingredients except ice water, pulse a few times until the crumbs are size of peas, add ice water one table spoon at a time until the dough forms a ball, take out and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hours.

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Pie filling:

4 LB of Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and cut into small cubes
Zest of a lemon
Zest of an orange
2 TB lemon juice
1 TB orange juice
½ cup sugar
¼ cup AP flour (I used corn starch before, I like it better, but I try to stick with this one)
1 tsp kosher salt (you can use ½ tsp table salt)
¾ tsp ground cinnamon (I just used 1 tsp)
½ tsp ground nutmeg (if you don’t have this, don’t use it)
1/8 tsp ground allspice (if you don’t have this, don’t use it)


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For crust:
1 egg beaten with 1 TB of water for glaze
1 tsp sugar for sprinkle on top

Roll the dough out into two round pie shaped pieces about ½ inch bigger than your pie dish, drape one piece on pie dish, and do not stretch the dough.

Mix all pie filling ingredients in a large bowl and fill the pie dish, place another pie crust on top, close the edge and slit the top a few times with a knife, brush egg wash and sprinkle sugar. I used a gadget to make the lattice top.

Bake in 400 pre-heated oven for 1 to 1 ¼ hours, until the crust is golden and juices bubble out. Half hour before it’s done, cover with foil to prevent the crust become too brown. Serve warm.

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