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中國政府雇用黑客曾入侵五角大廈-English (圖)

(2008-03-14 06:38:47) 下一個

The Chinese government employed the hacker once to invade Pentagon
(The abundant news Beijing standard time on March 13, 2008 reprints)
    Origin: East woods news
     The American Pentagon's secret is startled the guest to invade, this is in the movie plot as if, but in the reality very possible already to perform. The American cable TV news net CNN penetration pipeline, the interview once startled into the Pentagon China to startle the guest, what was more astonishing, startled the guest to say was the Chinese government pays money employs them. (Abundant news boxun.com)
    The Zhoushan islands are located the Chinese Shanghai the southern region, is East China Sea Fleet one of three big bases, American Reporter CNN enters between two buildings apartments, agreed accepts the secret interview "young Chen" the age gently, but established this website already to have more than three years, provided the teaching short film and the downloading software, every day surpassed more than 50,000 people .

    Young Chen indicated that, they already succeeded invade country's the and so on America, England and France, Germany government website, also obtained the important sentiment capital from the Pentagon, moreover was the Chinese government pays their money to request them such to do.
    Young Chen: "First you must the website which must invade to you extremely understand that, you must know its formula, you must first learn the formula, also is knows oneself and the other side can be ever-victorious,"
    The security expert believed that, this group of young people are treated as by the Chinese government the use the tool. American network security expert Mao Wenjie: "In my opinion, this group startles the guest by no means China information competent person, they only are a crowd of Beijing coca use frantic individual contribution."
    American Department of Defense vice- assistant minister also indicated that, these startle invades the motion fights entirely alike in the technique and the so-called information.
    Regarding US'S indictment, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposes the severe counter-attack. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Qin Gang: "If US has any evidence, I hoped they may prove, after then we may cooperate the attack to startle the guest together."
    At present estimated how many thousand has in the entire China to startle the guest, perhaps these people only are want to prove own ability, actually neglected such behavior already to offend the international security? Encircles. _ (net article reprint) (abundant news boxun.com)

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  • Clicks on here news to express the view regarding this
  • 中國政府雇用黑客曾入侵五角大廈
  • 來源: 東森新聞
         美國五角大廈的機密被駭客入侵,這似乎是電影中的情節,但現實中很可能早已上演。美國有線電視新聞網CNN透過管道,專訪曾經駭入五角大廈的中國駭客,更驚人的是,駭客說是中國政府付錢雇用他們的。 (博訊 boxun.com)

        目前估計在全中國有幾千名的駭客,這些人也許隻是想證明自己的能力,卻忽略這樣的行為已經觸犯到國際安全的?圍。 _(網文轉載) (博訊 boxun.com)
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