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halloween biscuits

(2007-06-02 10:44:32) 下一個


Toba Garrett's Glacé Icing Recipe
1 pound (454 g) powdered sugar
3/8 cup (90 ml) whole milk
3/8 cup (4.5 oz or 126 g) light corn syrup

Flavor Options: 1 tsp concentrated extract, I Tbsp alcohol or liqueur

In a mixing bowl, thoroughly mix the sugar and the milk first. The icing should be very soft and have a heavy-cream texture before you add the corn syrup. Add the corn syrup and mix just until combined.

Divide the icing into several bowls. Flavor each bowl with extracts, alcohol or candy oils. Color each bowl of icing as desired. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap to prevent drying until you're ready to use it.

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