諸位來訪的朋友: 謝謝大家的關注。不過我必須聲明一下:嫋嫋發這個貼是因為最近一些男生行為言論有感而發。絕對不是為了征婚。(我的信箱裏充斥了很多奇奇怪怪的QQH。讓我忍俊不禁。)
這世界真是隻許洲官放火不許百姓點燈! 如果我是男生這麽大放撅詞大家是不是就覺得好受點? 即使不好受也覺得能容忍。但是偏偏是個女孩, 而且是個年輕的女孩,就聽了覺得不入耳,不舒服。甚至覺得 80年代的女孩子瘋狂的很。
可悲的是很多女性骨子裏也接受了男性的思維方式, 甚至對女孩子的要求和批評比男性更苛刻, 我不過是把自己想的真誠坦白的說出來了? 那些批評我的女生你們捫心自問,你們不這麽想嗎? 當你們在準備找自己人生的另外一半的時候真的不從條件的方麵去評估對方嗎?
那些罵我的男生?你們自己真的對女孩子就那麽寬厚善良嗎? 試問:一個女孩又醜又笨, 你們會,君子好逑嗎?你們見了漂亮女孩謙躬有禮,殷勤周到, 何曾顧及到旁邊那些被冷落的醜陋的, 或者愚笨女孩子,尤其是那些聰明而不漂亮的女孩,她們也有一顆敏感善良的心,她們也渴望被人關心被人注目。你們真的像對待美女一樣善待她們嗎?因此你們批評人的時候最好嘴下留德。
今天不能多說了, 回頭和大家再討論. 不管怎麽樣, 謝謝大家的關注. 更謝謝那些能理解我的朋友們。
我原本可沒有想到被置頂, 更沒有想到有這麽大反響. 一切出乎意料. ANYWAY, 謝謝大家光臨.
(我今年剛來到北美,請大家多關照。 )
The fundamental question you may need to ask yourself is that what criteria you should rely on to decide who would the right person to be with form the day of commitment to death setting you apart.
Are wealth and physical attractiveness important? Absolutely, they do. No one would deny fortune and attractiveness do make life more enjoyable (many people include me benefit from those two). Nevertheless, one should also aware the satisfactions from those thing tends to fade quickly, Moreover, they are easily dwarfed by other intangible , yet , crucial qualities of a person such as faithfulness, honesty, courage, determination, of course, unconditioned love … just name few. Working in Wall Street, I found that screening a good person bears remarkable similarity as uncovering a gem stock. Here, future growth rather current standing should be the center of focus since it is the potential that would provide tremendous reward and triumph.
Further more, you may need to use your other senses as well in order to get what you want/need in addition to what you can see. I learned to activate my full senses year ago in an incident and they have been helping me to do well in furious competition.
It was the first year I arrived from China and worked as a TA in my graduate school. One weekend in the fall, my professor invited me and other boys in the department to join him to go deer hunting. Personally, I’d prefer buying meat in supermarket let along to shoot a “Bambi”. But the combination of seeking thrill and securing next semester’s scholarship brought me to the trip. Once in the wood and separated from the rest of team I realized suddenly in the mist of morning fog I couldn’t even see things in few feet away. Excitement and bravery seemed dissipating as fast as cold sweat running on my back. A simple question surfaced in my mind: how I would know a shadow approaching would be a deer or person, worse, could I be mistaken as a game to get shot? For a moment I closed my eyes, I started to listen carefully what was happening in my surrounding. The sound of falling autumn leaves and blowing wind in the floor of forest, to my surprise, they began to communicate to me so clearly, I could tell my raw instincts kicked in to guide me. Amazingly on the spot I could sense and differentiate the rattle of a rotten family rushing by or the vibrations of foot steps of a much big creature. By touching the bark of the tree I leaned on I could tell which side would be facing north. First time in my entire life I was awakened and guided by the powers of other senses besides eye sight at apparently no man’s land.
To make the story short, I was the only person that day shot a deer (a buck over 150 lbs ) in our whole hunting team and received honor and congratulations. Needless to say I felt sorry for the poor creature I shot and promised myself never shoot again and I did. Later, I didn’t even bother to attend the dinner party grilling deer steaks hosted at my professor’s backyard. However, this hunting episode indeed revealed something to me from that day to now. That is, to survive and succeed one must senses what you may not able to see.
能到他的境界的人畢竟很少, 大家都是俗人嘛, 嗬嗬
人的美醜不由外表決定, 樓主現在還太小, 長大就會明白的...
BTW: 女孩不一定都是水做的, 男孩, 也不都是泥做的...
(你說: 我反倒見多很多容貌醜陋的女性很濫交心理很陰暗, 很多漂亮女孩很單純善良.還有很多帥氣男孩也很坦誠正直.還有很多成功的人對家庭非常負責.不過越是出眾的人人們越關注他們, 於是他們有什麽問題就越被研究吧.).
漂亮女孩, 帥哥, 有錢的人, 他們一般屬於心高氣傲之人, 更講麵子, 更受到重視, 更受到限製, 更多責任, 更多壓力, 他們更難象平常人那樣隨便, 更別談花! 也許是:(高處不勝寒)!
其實起源於前幾天遇到一個狂妄的家夥口出狂言,這裏就不提了.萬一他來看貼會說我不尊敬他的隱私呢, 嘻嘻
其實每個能來北美留學奮鬥的GG們已經很優秀了, 我說的憑自己的能力出來拿獎學金的人.如果你是那你就是很出色的人了.
不過漂亮的女孩可以對人很有同情心很謙虛有禮貌, 但是不會同情到去嫁給他的.也許有例外, 但是我想很少的.嗬嗬
我想知道, 為什麽總是希望漂亮女孩特善良,脫俗, 高尚風格的去嫁給一個普通的男生, 而沒有男生去提倡犧牲一下自己去把一個無人問津的醜女孩娶回家呢? 很多事情反之一想就覺得有趣啊
我反倒見多很多容貌醜陋的女性很濫交心理很陰暗, 很多漂亮女孩很單純善良.還有很多帥氣男孩也很坦誠正直.還有很多成功的人對家庭非常負責.
不過越是出眾的人人們越關注他們, 於是他們有什麽問題就越被研究吧.
我旗幟鮮明的說出了自己的觀點, 其實別的女孩心裏也未必這麽想, 不過很多人喜歡裝清純,遮遮掩掩的, 我不會罷了.
你說的很多人有才華但是不能賺很多錢, 那叫什麽才啊? 所謂才能一定包括人際交往和賺錢能力, 那種隻會讀書的書呆子已經過時了, 你在美國看看那些受學生愛戴和追隨的教授們, 哪個不是手裏既有實驗室又有公司? 當然也有純高研究的人才.
但是如果你不能讓家人過上快樂生活, 那你的才能又有什麽用處?
不過話說回來,有錢男人的錢畢竟是他的,即使結婚了,也不是你的.有錢人是很聰明的,婚前都會辦財產公證,所以不要以為嫁個有錢人自己也就是有錢人了. 除非這錢是你自己掙得或是父母給的.現今社會沒有比婚姻更脆弱的人際關係了,甚至還沒有朋友同學的友誼堅固.我自己是男人我心裏很清楚, 男人固然喜歡美女,但是卻不一定渴望娶一個美女,美女也許是情人,女朋友,紅顏知己,好朋友. 大部分男人希望娶一個相貌上基本看得順眼,善良,賢惠,真心愛自己而不是錢,有共同的嗜好,相近的文化品位,甚至在專業工作上可以交流的女孩. 如果一個有錢的帥哥在你麵前跪下說,你很漂亮嫁給我吧,你心裏會踏實麽?因為畢竟年輕漂亮女孩子太多了.五年十年後呢?當你不再年輕,不再那麽漂亮,當你被實際生活抹去了原本的那份清澈,而你的老公還是那麽有錢那麽帥氣,周圍的年輕漂亮女孩子還在一茬一茬的冒出來,你還會那麽有把握麽? 如果你的老公不幸背叛了你,除了那點補償金,也許就一無所有了.
所以說找個有錢人, 沒有錯, 有錢不代表人不好, 沒錢也不一定就忠厚老實.最理想的是能遇到一個從平時的生活點滴中感受到魅力, 觀察細節, 能找到一個誌趣相投,品位相近,心地善良的男人. 當然也有能讓你仰慕的才華和特長. 但是就我的感受美女在這點上往往是容易被蒙蔽欺騙的,因為是美女,在平時的接觸中,甚至追求你的過程中男孩都掩飾了自己的不足,甚至會偽裝演戲,讓你無法看清真實麵目. 而且美女在女生堆裏往往會因嫉妒被群體孤立,排斥.在日常的生活中被相幹不相幹的男人追求,騷擾, 被拒絕了的男人品性差一些的還會釋放謠言醜聞,跳樓割挽. 哎,所以當美女也不一定是那麽的幸福.