道德經有非常多的譯本,道德經翻譯對照by B. Boisen---------我是網絡搬運工。

Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is ture wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.     If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. If you stay in the center and embrace death with your whole heart, you will endure forever. ------------Stephen Mitchell

Those who know others are intelligent; those who know themselves are truly wise. Those who master others are strong; those who master themselves have true power. Those who know they have enough are truly wealthy. Those who persist will reach their goal. Those who keep their course have a strong will. Those who embrace death will not perish, but have life everlasting. -------------------- j.h. mcdonald 1996 

He who knows men is clever; He who knows himself has insight. He who conquers men has force; He who conquers himdelf is truly strong. He who knows when he has got enough is rich. And he who adheres assiduously to the path of Tao is a man of steady purpose. He who stays where he has found his true home endures long, And he who dies but perishes not enjoys real longevity.----------wu, John 吳經熊 

He who knows other is clever; He who himself has discernment. He who overcomes others has force; He who overcomes hismself is strong. He who knows contentment is rich; He who perseveres is a man of purpose; He who does not lose his station will endure; He who lives out his days has had a long life.------------Lau, D.C.劉殿爵

He who knows others is wise; He who knows himself is enlightened. He who conquers others has physical strength. He who conquers himself is strong. He who is contented is rich. He who does not lose his place (with Tao) will endure. He who dies but does not really perish enjoys long life. -------Chen, wing-tsit陳榮捷

To understand others is to be knowledgeable; To understand yourself is to be wise. To conquer others id to have strength; To conquer yourself is to be strong. To know when you have enough is to be rich. To go forward with strength is no have ambition. To not lose your place is to last long. To die but not be forgotten-- that's ture long life. ----------Henrickes, Robert

To understand others is to have knowledge; To understand oneself is to be illumined. To conquer others needs strength; To conquer oneself is harder still. To be content with what one has is to be rich.  He that works through violence may get his way; But only what stays in its place can endure. When one dies one is not lost there is no other longevity.------------Waley, Arthur

HE who knows others is learned; HE who knows himself is wise. HE who conquers other has power of muscles; He who conquers himslef is strong. He who is contented is rich. He who is determined has strength of will. He who does not lose his center endures. He who dies yet (his power) remains has longlife.------ lin林語堂

Those who hnow others are wise; those who know themselves are enlightened. those who overcome others are powerful; those who are contented are strong. Those who are contented are rich; those who act strongly have will. Those who do not lose their place endure; those who die without perishing live long.------cleary, Thomas.


Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires forces; Mastering the self needs strength. He who knows he has enough is rich. Perseverance is a sign of willpower. He who stays where he is endures. To die but not to [erish is to be eternally present.--------(Feng & English) 馮家福&簡·英格裏希Gia-fu Feng and Jane English)



-Fu Feng
