1· 直覺是一份珍稀禮物,理性則如忠誠的仆人。我們創立了榮耀仆人的社會,也就淡忘了還有一份禮物。
2· the pitcher done a good job in the first four rounds, but falling apart in the fifth round.
my gut feeling was not that paid off
1· 直覺是一份珍稀禮物,理性則如忠誠的仆人。我們創立了榮耀仆人的社會,也就淡忘了還有一份禮物。
2· the pitcher done a good job in the first four rounds, but falling apart in the fifth round.
my gut feeling was not that paid off
my gut feeling:仙仙一定是top 1%好學生:)
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03/04/2022 postreply
your gut feeling is
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03/05/2022 postreply
直覺是天賦,理性是本能 . 當 我們關注了本能,也就淡忘了天賦
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03/04/2022 postreply
歡迎新朋友運動者!:)my gut feeling,很喜歡你的翻譯。 直覺和本能是一個意思嗎?
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03/04/2022 postreply
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03/04/2022 postreply
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