試試穀歌翻譯 (一)

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“都看過了。不過……”孔子很有些焦躁模樣,這是他從來所沒有的。“我研究 《詩》,《書》,《禮》,《樂》,《易》,《春秋》六經,自以為很長久了,夠熟透了。去拜見了七十二位主子,誰也不采用。人可真是難得說明白嗬。還是 ‘道’ 的難以說明白呢?”


Lao Tzu sat motionless, like a piece of dead wood.

"Sir, Confucius is here again!" Geng Sangchu, his student, walked in impatiently and said softly.


"Sir, how are you?" Confucius said with a very respectful salute.

"I'm always like this," Lao Tzu replied. "How are you? Have you read all the books here?"

"I've seen it all. But..." Confucius looked anxious, something he had never been seen before. "I have studied the "Poetry", "Book", "Ritual", "Music", "Yi", "Spring and Autumn" six classics, and I think it is very long and familiar enough. I went to see the seventy-two masters, who I don't use it either. People are really not good at explaining, or is it just difficult to explain the 'Tao'?"


有時候不知道怎麽翻譯,穀歌是值得借鑒一下~ -妖妖靈- 給 妖妖靈 發送悄悄話 妖妖靈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/16/2022 postreply 18:58:34
