English to Chinese
No. 10 has apologised to Buckingham Palace for two parties that took place in Downing Street on the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral last year, Boris Johnson’s spokesman has revealed.
共謀暴亂是美國法典指定的犯罪行為,將其定性為兩人或多人合謀推翻美國政府,或以武力 " 阻止、阻礙或延遲執行 " 美國法律
Conspiracy to riot is a crime under the U.S. Code, which defines it as a conspiracy of two or more people to overthrow the U.S. government, or to use force to "prevent, obstruct or delay the enforcement" of U.S. law
idiom: apple of one's eye.
You are the apple of my eye.
something or someone very precious or dear:
His new baby girl was the apple of his eye.