1. 【Chinese to English】
輕輕的我走了,正如我輕輕的來;我輕輕的招手, 作別西天的雲彩。
I walked away gently, just as the way I came; I waved gently, gave the western colorful clouds a farewell.
2. 【English to Chinese】
Aaron Sorkin, the creator of the hit TV series The West Wing, once described the White House as the world's greatest home court advantage. And President Joe Biden sought to use that home court Tuesday afternoon not to lay out the pros and cons of his decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan as Barack Obama might have done, but to declare with vehement certitude and conviction as Ronald Reagan might that withdrawal was not just the best option but the only one consistent with the interests of the American people.
Aaron Sorkin, 熱播電視節目The West Wing的創始人, 曾將描述白宮有世界上最大的主場優勢。周二下午,喬·拜登總統尋求利用那個主場, 並非像巴拉克·奧巴馬那樣或許去闡述他決定從阿富汗撤軍的利弊,而是以強烈的確信與信念宣布就像羅納德·裏根可能會做的那樣, 這樣撤軍不僅是最好的選擇而且是唯一符合美國人民利益的選擇。
3. 【Idioms】
The big banana of Taliban has already indicated the public presence of music is going to be banned.