Love and Sin--- 黃綺珊新歌《愛與罪》

本帖於 2013-06-21 17:02:05 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

一首新歌, 試譯成英文.電影還沒看到,僅憑字麵去理解,不正確的地方,以後再修改,先貼出來,一聽為快!
愛與罪 Love and Sin 詞:李向陽 曲:菊地圭介 演唱:黃綺珊 親愛的 我親愛的 煙花冷落你將我遺忘 迷途路上沒有你陪伴 天地之間滿處情殤 Dear, my darling, after the height of flourishing I was escaped from your memory Without your escort on an aimless journey My pain fills everywhere below the sky 在風中你滾燙的迷亂 仿佛伊甸園吟唱 你的心啊 將是我的墓床 親愛的啊 親愛的你 Your searing bewilderment in the wind Appears as the singing from the Garden of Eden Dear, my darling, your heart is where my ultimate destination will end 愛與罪 今生兩岸 沒你的日子沒有悲喜 別讓我心無處可歸 哦 愛與罪 喜與淚 給你 親愛的... Love and Sin parted me from you There is neither woe nor joy in a life without you My dear, don’t let my heart have no place to stay I will give all my love and sin, joy and tears to you 我和你 隔世相望 最後的呼吸無力捆綁 夜幕盡頭已沒有方向 兩手牽斷 來去荒涼 You and me, stare at each other from a different world With no energy to grab you at my last pant Direction was lost in the far end of night As I lost your hand and drifted in the wild 在風中你滾燙的迷亂 仿佛伊甸園吟唱 你的心啊 將是我的墓床 親愛的啊 親愛的你 Your searing bewilderment in the wind Appears as the singing from the Garden of Eden Dear, my darling, your heart is where my ultimate destination will end 愛與罪 今生兩岸 沒你的日子沒有悲喜 別讓我心無處可歸 哦 愛與罪 喜與淚 給你 親愛的... Love and Sin parted me from you There is neither woe nor joy in a life without you My dear, don’t let my heart have no place to stay I will give all my love and sin, joy and tears to you 愛與罪 今生兩岸 沒你的日子沒有悲喜 別讓我心無處可歸 哦 愛與罪 喜與淚 給你 親愛的... Love and Sin parted me from you There is neither woe nor joy in a life without you My dear, don’t let my heart have no place to stay I will give all my love and sin, joy and tears to you 親愛的 罪人

