15 Body language blunders
to watch out for:
Source: Internet
1. Leaning Back too much — you come off lazy or arrogant.
1. 過度向後倚靠——使你看起來很懶惰或自大。
2. Leaning forward — can seem aggressive. Aim for a neutral posture.
2. 身體前傾——看起來有挑釁的意味。應該換一個更中立的姿勢。
3. Breaking eye contact too soon — can make you seem untrustworthy or overly nervous. Hold eye contact a hair longer, especially during a handshake.
3. 眼神接觸時間太短——會使你看起來不可信或過度緊張。
4. Nodding too much — can make you look like a bobble head doll! Even if you agree with what’s being said, nod once and then try to remain still.
4. 點頭太頻繁——會讓你看起來像一個點頭玩偶!
5. Chopping or pointing with your hands — feels aggressive.
5. 打斷別人說話或用手指著對方——會看起來很挑釁。
6. Crossing your arms — makes you look defensive, especially when you’re answering questions. Try to keep your arms at your sides.
6. 交叉手臂——讓你顯得自我防禦,尤其是在回答問題的時候。
7. Fidgeting — instantly telegraphs how nervous you are. Avoid it at all costs.
7. 很多小動作——瞬間就能顯示你有多麽的緊張不安。
8. Holding your hands behind your back (or firmly in your pockets) — can look rigid and stiff. Aim for a natural, hands at your sides posture.
8. 把手放在身後(或緊緊地攥在口袋裏)——看起來會死板僵硬。
9. Looking up or looking around — is a natural cue that someone is lying or not being themselves. Try to hold steady eye contact.
9. 向上看或到處張望——這是一個說謊或違心的暗示。
10. Staring — can be interpreted as aggressive. There’s a fine line between holding someone’s gaze and staring them down.
10. 目不轉睛地瞪著別人——這有可能會解讀為有侵略性的眼神。
11. Failing to smile — can make people uncomfortable, and wonder if you really want to be there. Go for a genuine smile especially when meeting someone for the first time.
11. 缺少笑容——會讓別人感覺不舒服,
12. Stepping back when you’re asking for a decision — conveys fear or uncertainty. Stand your ground, or even take a slight step forward with conviction.
12. 在詢問決定的時候身體向後退——傳遞著驚恐和不確定的信息。
13. your fingers or holding palms up — looks like a begging position and conveys weakness.
13. 指尖向上或手心朝上——看起來像是一個乞求的姿勢,
14. Standing with hands on hips — is an aggressive posture, like a bird or a dog puffing themselves up to look bigger.
14. 站著的時候雙手放在臀部上——這是一個好鬥的姿勢,
15. Checking your phone or watch — says you want to be somewhere else. Plus, it’s just bad manners.
15. 查看手機或手表——意味著你想離開這裏到別的地方。再者,
So, what should you do? Aim for good posture in a neutral position, whether sitting or standing. Stand with your arms at your sides, and sit with them at your sides or with your hands in your lap. Pay attention so that you naturally hold eye contact, smile, and be yourself.
If you discover you have a particular problem with one or two of the gestures on the list, practice by yourself with a mirror or with a friend who can remind you every time you do it, until you become aware of the bad habit yourself.