禮節美語:Preparing for a Media Interview 2 (音頻文字)

禮節美語:Preparing for a Media Interview 2 (音頻文字)ZT

公司主管 Lenny 要接受媒體采訪,請媒體谘詢公司的Carl幫他準備。Carl告訴Lenny, 記者一上來會問幾個簡單問題,但不能因此而放鬆警惕。Carl說:

C: Remember to keep your game face on. It's really important not to seem surprised when they ask the first difficult question. You don't want to have a moment where it seems you're on the defensive.

L: All right...I'll be expecting tough questions. What kind of controversial topics do you think they might cover?

C: I'd be ready to answer questions about anything. Your company's stock price has recently taken a dip, your CFO left your company and joined a rival firm, there was a product recall last year and sales for your latest gadget have been disappointing.

L: Wow...I see what you mean. So overall, what do you think my response strategy should be?

Carl告訴Lenny要 keep your game face on. 保持戰鬥姿態。game face 原指球員場上比賽時的麵容表情,引伸為誌在必得的樣子。 這樣做是因為,軟問題過後,記者出其不意,提出第一個刁難性問題時,you don't want to seem on the defensive. 你不想讓人看出你處於被動防守的狀態。記者什麽樣的問題都可能問,比如:公司股票最近下跌,take a dip; 公司首席財務長官跳槽到對手的公司;跳槽在英語裏可以用 jump ship. 如,Your CFO jumped ship to join a rival firm. 另外,公司最近有產品因為質量問題被召回,而且最新推出的產品銷量也不盡人意。遇到這樣的問題,Lenny該怎樣回答呢?

C: The main thing is to focus on the positive. Yes, our stock price has been a little volatile... but we are on course for a third quarter rebound. Yes, it was unfortunate that our CFO chose to join our rivals, but the opening has given us a chance to hire fresh blood and incorporate new ideas.

L: I see your point: don't evade the question, but try to twist it towards the positive.

C: Exactly! And you need to appear confident and strong.

L: What kind of tone would you recommend I take with the interviewer? Friendly? A little distant?

Carl說,被問到這種難堪問題時,關鍵是要 focus on the positive. 強調積極的一麵。比如,公司股票價格最近是有些波動,但是 we are on course for a third quarter rebound. 第三季度預計會出現反彈;雖然高管跳槽,但這樣我們才有機會 hire fresh blood 雇傭新人。歸根結底一句話,不能回避問題,但要從積極的一麵來回答問題。接受采訪時采取什麽樣的態度最合適呢?Carl回答說:

C: Stay friendly but remember: they're not on your side.

L: I guess that's the same as when I'm at any business negotiation.

C: Yes. Use the interviewer's first name...especially at the beginning of the interview. But don't overdo it, because that sounds insincere.

L: These are all really good points, Carol. Maybe we could meet again next week. I think I need a little bit more practice.

C: Sure. I'll have your secretary set up the appointment. See you next week, Mr. Lee.

L: Goodbye, Carol.

Carl說,態度必須友好,但是要記住,they're not on your side. 采訪你的人不是站在你這邊的。Carl還建議Lenny從采訪一開始就用記者的first name名字稱呼對方,這樣顯得親切,但 don't overdo it. 也不要顯得過份熱絡。Lenny跟Carl約定,下星期再演練一次。
