Thanks for sharing

本帖於 2013-01-10 01:41:27 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯
回答: 隨時活絡腦子(十)另一隻眼看中國2013-01-09 11:30:38

all words/phases are very useful to know...

One of the words, overbearing, I think it often used to describe some kind of parents who are too strict to their children. As a result, it often cause nagative impact in their children's life later


Thanks for your comments! Sure, -另一隻眼看中國- 給 另一隻眼看中國 發送悄悄話 另一隻眼看中國 的博客首頁 (82 bytes) () 01/10/2013 postreply 12:14:52
