Tell you what? When I saw your nickname"falsetruth", [True Or False Questions] popped into my mind.
And more more thing, how come "false+truth" get along? It looks contradictory to me. I am just wondering.
Have a nice Sunday.
Tell you what? When I saw your nickname"falsetruth", [True Or False Questions] popped into my mind.
And more more thing, how come "false+truth" get along? It looks contradictory to me. I am just wondering.
Have a nice Sunday.
thank you. it's a name
(171 bytes)
11/07/2010 postreply
Got it. Thank you. Have a nice Sunday.
(0 bytes)
11/07/2010 postreply
Oops,I meant so type:"One more thing".
(0 bytes)
11/07/2010 postreply
also you meant
(82 bytes)
11/07/2010 postreply
Yeah, thanks. Good night.
(0 bytes)
11/07/2010 postreply
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