The Years and Us-:))....

回答: ...LYJiang2021-10-24 20:00:23

How r u old friend-:)),,

George Lam is still singing on stage,

This  time,again,in Shanghai-:,,

His mom lives in Shanghai while he lives in Hong Kong..

The duo seems to the auidence ,grandpa and grandson-:)),,

My favorite  childhood  fantasy has been to bring  my grandparents, my dad's  parents,

Back  to Shanghai,

The city where they got married, and had  two children,

My dad and my uncle,,-"))-^-^,

Like  the wild geese that fly south,

To bring my grandparents  home,,....,

One of my grand dad's  younger  sister  was brought back to Shanghai  ,after her departure  from this world,,..

Her daughter,my aunts,brought her ashes back to Shanghai  a few years ago,

My grandaunt passed away In Hong Kong more  than 10 years ago,and my aunts brought her ashes back to Shanghai, about two years ago..

My grandparents were buried in Taiwan.




... -LYJiang- 給 LYJiang 發送悄悄話 LYJiang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/26/2021 postreply 18:34:58
