In the silence of the dark
Baby birdies utter squeaks
Belly air blowing their beaks
While waiting for Mother Lark
Why is Mother Lark so late?
The flower is dressed in dust
The grain tastes like rust
The worm bigger than a date
So Mother Lark flies far
Into mountains and vale
Searching for worm and snail
And the flower's nectar
Now Mother Lark is returned
Loaded with food her tongue
While feeding her lovely young
She tells a story she learned
The Story:
A long time ago in a far place there lied a vale
Where fresh water flowed and lush green grew
And year in and year out Cardinal and Nightingale
Sang to each other beautiful songs, old and new
They sang the peach, they sang the pear
They sang the green, they sang the rye
They sang the horse, they sang the hare
They sang the rain, they sang the sky
They sang when the dew was waking up the thistle
They sang when clouds were laced with rainbows
They sang when the wind was blowing a whistle
They sang when the sun was writing with willows
They sang when a fish threw itself out of water
They sang when a snake slipped into a new gown
They sang when a beetle slept on the back of an otter
They sang when one turtle was up and one turtle was down
They sang when the moon was round or bent
They sang when a squirrel rolled a spruce cone
They sang when the flower sent out fresh scent
They sang when a sheep scratched himself against a stone
One day flocks of birds flew over and saw
The two birds happily sing like happy lovers
Deciding to conspire against them by writing a new law
Dictating that both birds should sing only for others
Cardinal and Nightingale, taken to court, were made to bow
Before Guards of Willie wagtails of whips
Jury of Swallows of jealous brow
And Judge of Woodpecker of reproving lips
However hard Cardinal and Nightingale explained
The court bellowed loud: "No, no other choice"
With their wings bound and their legs chained
Cardinal and Nightingale cried until they lost their voice
Instantly hail and snow pounding the front of July
Lush green was turned into frozen white
Flowers were withered, and the sun twisted his face awry
Saddened by the Cardinal and Nightingale's plight
O, Cardinal, O, Nightingale!
Heart, residence of love, shattered
Soul, source and strength of life, battered
O, Cardinal, O, Nightingale!
Where was a trace of the sunny June
Where was a trace of Cardinal's melody
Where was a trace of Nightingale's tune?
O, life was but Cruelty's mockery
O, how I wish there were no such a vale
O, how I wish it were only a tale
After the story:
Baby birds: Mommy, the court was bad
Mother lark: yes, darlings
These wagtails, woodpecker, and sparrows
Learning from the monkey's evil heir
Laughed out loud: "life is fair and square"
While putting the two lovers through pains and sorrows
Mother Lark continues with an ancient sonnet:
In pursuit of dreams whether high we fly
Or low we glide or on land we advance
Do not relax our greatest vigilance
For too oft we meet with the evil eye
Evil strives to fool the good world outright
Wearing on a wretched face rosy paint
And a conspicuous gilded badge of saint
On his body of heavy vice and spite
In truth Evil sets his greed in a roar
Out of a mouth opened so wide and deep
That the spewed ven'mous frost could us in sweep
Against Good declaring war after war
When will Evil ever leave us alone?
As soon as he expires arrives his clone!
Baby larks:
Mommy mommy don't fear
When Evil is nigh
We'll poke at his eye
When Evil is near
We'll peck at his ear
When Evil is at his base
We'll poop on his face
Then we'll get a good beer
Hearing it Mother Lark was greatly moved, holding her young tightly, kissing them goodnight, and saying in smile "darlings, no alcohol though"
Her young having fallen asleep Mother Lark continues:
Thank you, my princes, my princesses, my pillars, and my pumpkins
Charged with the power you have given me
Of Evil I am no longer afraid
Armed with the feet of spear and beaks of blade
In the stormy sky and in the sharp sea
Although all things indeed do turn to clay
Before we do we wish to live in mirth
Upon this boundless heaven-created earth
And to see Evil flee to his decay
True that Evil will stop his existence?
Yes, for if a fool can a mountain move
From the world we sure can Evil remove
So long as we take a non-stop offense
Imagine the planet without Evil?
All are ethical and all are equal!
• Wow, 寫得棒極了, 一首構思巧妙,寓意深刻的詩作。 -紫君- ♀ (1916 bytes) () 07/03/2015 postreply 22:23:35
• 紫君, 我剛看完你貼的film。喜歡。謝謝。 -youdecide- ♂ (735 bytes) () 07/03/2015 postreply 23:03:16
• Have a nice evening. -紫君- ♀ (374 bytes) () 07/07/2015 postreply 20:33:25
• 昨天和今天忙,我剛剛才上網。 -youdecide- ♂ (822 bytes) () 07/08/2015 postreply 20:30:54
• So glad to see you. -紫君- ♀ (362 bytes) () 07/08/2015 postreply 23:07:16
• 是呀 -youdecide- ♂ (209 bytes) () 07/03/2015 postreply 23:22:44
• I could not agree with you more. -紫君- ♀ (969 bytes) () 07/07/2015 postreply 21:19:41
• Well written:) yes, he was absolutely amazing, a true hero. -youdecide- ♂ (0 bytes) () 07/08/2015 postreply 20:38:00
• 想象力豐富的童話詩,欣賞! -南山鬆- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/04/2015 postreply 05:42:17
• 謝謝。 -youdecide- ♂ (0 bytes) () 07/04/2015 postreply 19:13:04
• 寓教於樂。 -肖莊- ♀ (3247 bytes) () 07/04/2015 postreply 13:37:15
• Nice reading. Thank you! -youdecide- ♂ (393 bytes) () 07/04/2015 postreply 13:59:14
• Nice. -肖莊- ♀ (225 bytes) () 07/04/2015 postreply 23:20:06
• Thank you for your encouragement. -youdecide- ♂ (0 bytes) () 07/05/2015 postreply 01:41:10
• 歡快的兒歌,欣賞了。 -~葉子~- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/07/2015 postreply 21:48:40