As much as I wanted to call you DEAR S_D, I have to say how iron

本帖於 2015-06-22 21:18:41 時間, 由普通用戶 Marauders 編輯
回答: Random Thoughts 83 - Difficult Housekeeping衝浪潛水員2014-10-01 01:10:06

As much as I wanted to call you DEAR Surf Diver, I have to say how ironic, hypocritic and pathetic

There is only one issue here, to me, that is how bullying post is handled. To wrap the whole post to sweep dust under the rug, or to delete the bullying post to uphold forum rules.

How ironic that you mentioned the British ruling of Scotland by laws. The forum has posted guidelines or so bylaws on how post shall be removed. Yet when such event arose, where was the enforcement? The moderators instead resorted to the unofficial wrapping practice, which to me is totally by personal preferrence and prejudice. Now, can you understand my hard feelings?

How hypocritic that you mentioned the clash between Hongkong Public vs Mainland China government. I have been long pushing for clarification of the reasoning and unwritten convenience of wrapping post on this forum, yet I was always stonewalled. Do you expect I keep quiet as that is expected of China central government of the Hongkong people? Let me tell you this, I will not. The wrapping post to hide the so called unfriendly posts instead of removal is clearly an insult to the other forum visitors and an injustice to the collaterall friendly posts. Where there is no justice, there is no peace.

And it is even more pathetic that you mentioned serving the forum. Let me bring up a fact. This forum has one of the slightest traffic among all the forums at Wenxuecity yet the most modorators. Is it such a difficult task to serve this forum or is it the enjoyment of the privileges of a sitting moderator? Disputes are not resolved. Posts pleading for help are not answered. Where is the service you talked about. Copying and reposting existing broadcasting content is not a service, it is more Keeping Up Appearances (BBC sitcom if you know what I am talking about). This is merely a desire to decorate this place to someone's enjoyment as a private garden or polished out of the world image. So please refrain from talking about tolerance and appreciation when hardly anything is served and a lot is wronged.


哈,鐵齒銅牙,英語還蠻溜地 -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (63 bytes) () 10/01/2014 postreply 09:22:46

哈,你還別說英語就是比你溜。這裏版主有一點特好 -Marauders- 給 Marauders 發送悄悄話 (135 bytes) () 10/01/2014 postreply 09:37:39

既然覺得版主涵養特好,見好就收, -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (121 bytes) () 10/01/2014 postreply 09:48:36

覺得版主很不好當,大家還是多多包涵吧,畢竟人家是誌願為大家服務的。 -南山鬆- 給 南山鬆 發送悄悄話 南山鬆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/01/2014 postreply 17:28:22

也請版主包涵一個,別打包,行不?畢竟網友也是誌願上貼給大家看的 -Marauders- 給 Marauders 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/01/2014 postreply 20:27:37

版主認為有問題的自然可以打包.當然,有沒有問題,每個人的看法不一樣,不能要求所有人都有一樣的想法. -南山鬆- 給 南山鬆 發送悄悄話 南山鬆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/03/2014 postreply 19:42:21

版主有刪貼權力,上麵寫的清清楚楚。她有則不依,為了自己的潔癖,總想藏著掖著,但別把我好好的帖子卷起來 -Marauders- 給 Marauders 發送悄悄話 (499 bytes) () 10/03/2014 postreply 20:03:15

我不是想做和事佬。我是覺得你言辭過激。當然你是當事人,心中也許對你的貼被卷忿忿不平。 但覺得還是和為貴,和平共處比生氣傷人強。 -南山鬆- 給 南山鬆 發送悄悄話 南山鬆 的博客首頁 (338 bytes) () 10/04/2014 postreply 05:00:51

你搞錯了,我的帖子被卷是因為版主看不上個別跟帖 -Marauders- 給 Marauders 發送悄悄話 (274 bytes) () 10/04/2014 postreply 05:42:09

我的確不是特別清楚事情的來龍去脈,但你知道做版主不容易就好。誰也不願意得罪人,版主的做法也有情可原。 -南山鬆- 給 南山鬆 發送悄悄話 南山鬆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2014 postreply 14:07:07

行,咱這麽辦好不好,以後你每發一個貼,我來跟一個,然後讓版主來個情有可原好不好? -Marauders- 給 Marauders 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2014 postreply 14:55:53
