The Evensong

本帖於 2013-01-01 07:47:06 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

The Evensong

Now the picnickers are gone

Empty benches frozen in time

Trees lean towards the light

Lovers at the lake are hearing

The evensong coming

All the way from summer

The giant rocks have been here

For eons, and their worshippers

Walked these hills and canoed

Through the undisturbed waterways

Their long hair flowing in the wind

Soft songs wakening the dark earth

We trace their footsteps knowing

Nothing about the bad year they had

How joyful the children shouted

When they saw the snowy summit

A stork sliding over the blue mist

Geese bouncing up and down on the lake

Now we can find nothing written

On the rocks, but silence brings

The evensong to the bare branches

If a child cries there, we see

Ancient tears that taste like

The water who fed all generations

::::::: at the year's end







  • ::::::::::飛 向 2 0 1 3
  • 女 秘 書 懷 孕 了 【圖】
  • 【 夜 ::::: 像 孔 雀 開 屏 】
  • 快過年了,姐姐織的新帽子
  • 老布什病重,助理對媒體如是說:“Put the....!”
  • 所有跟帖: 
