I recall that I watched the year 2000 version of the movie.

回答: All Tragic Love Stories Are Likebmdn2012-12-08 17:17:08

Though I had a very tough time reading the English version of Tolstoy's novel years back, it was so much more a delighted journey trying to understand the story with frequent references to a dictionary than watching the movies. I just went back to Netflix to take a look at the older movie version and noticed that I didn't even finish that one. However, if I have to choose one over another, I'd pick the 2000 version. Just found that there is also Vivian Leigh's 1948 version of Anna Karenina on Netflix, and at least its ending reminded me of what was in Tolstoy's original work. I think I should find time to watch this black-white version, or simply go back to read the book. (The character I like the most in the book is Levin, who shares some foundamental qualities of Pierre in War and Peace.)

I watched Lincoln too. For the first time in my movie watching life, I fell into sleep in the theatre. Though I woke up in just a few minutes,  a nap is still a nap. Maybe it is not the movie, but the audience. I looked at everyone around me, and didn't see a single person who is of my genereation or younger. No matter what reason it is, to me, this looks to be the worst of Speilberg's work.

Most of the actors in both movies are good. Tad in Lincoln is especially so. What a lively and adorable boy! Daniel Lewis-Day(Lincoln) is not bad. Sarah Fields is good except looking more like Lincoln's mother than his wife (she is 10 years older). The black maid left me deep impression. In Anna Karenina, Kitty, Levin Vronsky, Karenin all did a good job, though Anna is a little too far from the image that has been in my mind. I also liked the elegant embroideries on Mrs Lincoln's dresses and on Levin's shirts. If the screen plays were done better, I believe these could be two decent movies.

I wish you could finish this writing later when you can find time to.



I think you are right -bmdn- 給 bmdn 發送悄悄話 (719 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 06:09:10
