這是英國搖滾樂隊Keane 所唱的一首歌,2007年出品。據說這首歌借鑒了愛爾蘭詩人Yeats所寫的描寫第一次世界大戰一首詩,詩開頭的幾句是:
I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love;
Yeats為什麽會這樣寫?因為戰爭初期愛爾蘭還屬於英國,所以愛爾蘭士兵要為英國打仗去。後來愛爾蘭獨立並成立國家,北方的幾個郡仍留在英國,形成“北愛爾蘭”,因此英國的全稱為United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland。下麵歌詞裏的那句:And you that I defend, I do not love 也有它自己的意義吧。
Why do I have to fly
Over every ( ) up and down the line?
I'll ( ) in the clouds above
And you that I defend, I do not love
I wake up, it's a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired to be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting ( )
Where will I meet my ( )?
Baby I'm a man, I was born to fight
And when will I meet my ( )?
In a better time you could be my friend
I wake up, it's a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired to be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting ( )
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now
Where do we go?
I don't even know
My strange old face
And I'm thinking about those days
And I'm thinking about those days
I wake up, it's a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired to be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting ( )
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now