每日美音:Dessert & Desert - Can you tell the difference?

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Now I can.Thanks. -斕婷- 給 斕婷 發送悄悄話 斕婷 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/22/2012 postreply 19:58:21

謝謝愚公!CO:now I can。:) -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/22/2012 postreply 21:13:22

Thank you, 斕婷 & BW. Have a wonderful weekend! -EnLearner- 給 EnLearner 發送悄悄話 EnLearner 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/23/2012 postreply 18:51:07
