bloom---1 admired like rose... 2 in perfectin, in youth
blosom--flower in fruit tree (like apple, apricot maybe)
This ZT does not to the point: Noun: A bloom is an individual growth from a plant. Blossom is either all the blooms you see on a tree (cherry blossom, for example) or an individual bloom in the tree. So, blossom is associated with trees. In both cases the unopened is called a bud.
Verb: You should be able to work out the literal meaning of the verbs from the above paragraph. However, they can be used metaphorically. Someone, for example, could blossom or bloom: a skill or ability could suddenly develop. You could also speak about the blossoming or blooming of something.
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• Thank you, ZouMa! -EnLearner- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/05/2012 postreply 20:54:12