回複:回複:【英文電影】One Magic Christmas

本帖於 2009-12-15 07:58:28 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯
回答: 【英文電影】One Magic ChristmasYuGong2009-12-13 19:02:41

Santa's Lap-- Short Christmas Poems --

I like to visit Santa Claus
When Christmastime is near.
It's fun to climb up on his lap
And whisper in his ear.

He says, "My dear, have you been good?
Have you done what Mother said you should?
Do you brush your teeth and hair each day?
Are you kind to others when you play?

I listen to each question
And answer every one.
Although I am ashamed to say
I must say no to some.

But Santa never scares me;
He doesn't even scold.
He just says, "Try again, my dear,
You're a fine lad, I am told."

Gee, I like to visit Santa Claus
When Christmastime is near.
It's fun to climb up on his lap
And whisper in his ear...
