"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." What a co-incidence! Thanks.
Don't you remember that moment - when her gaze meets yours, the capture of soul prisoners, the moment forever - the moment frozen in your memory for a lifetime.
Ingrid Bergman - Can't take my eyes off of you
"As Time Goes By" - Casablanca - The Original Sam (Dooley Wilson) song
Casablanca won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Its lead character Humphrey Bogart, it's memorable line "Play it again Sam" and pervasive theme song "As Time Goes By" have all become iconic; and the film consistently ranks near the top of lists of the greatest films of all time. And so this brings us to Arthur "Dooley" Wilson (April 3, 1886 -- May 30, 1953) an American actor and singer who is best remembered as the piano-player and singer "Sam" who sings "As Time Goes By" at the request of Ingrid Bergman in this Classic 1942 Film 'Casablanca' -- the Sam in the famously misremembered line "Play it again, Sam" -- is a phrase which was never actually spoken in the film. And so I have made it a point to intro this video with the actual film clip of the spoken line in the Movie - J.R.
Ingrid and Isabella Rossellini (fraternal twins), and Pia Lindstrom discuss their mother with much affection. Ingrid also had a son, Robertino Rossellini. I think it is so interesting that even though Ingrid and Isabella look very different, they both look very much like their mother. I believe this show took place anywhere from 2002 to 2010 - if anyone knows the year, please let me know and I will add it. Thanks. (UPDATE: the date is 2002, thanks londonuser111.)
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