88一些談情說愛的詞 - by lilac09
今天跟大家88一些談情說愛的詞。這些東東哪兒都是,tabloid, entertainment news, sitcoms, movies,躲都躲不掉.. 俺是想到哪兒,說到哪,大家補充。碼字太累了,得要版權
have a crush on: 婉蕠mm介紹過,“喜歡上誰了”的意思。個人認為這更有暗戀的意味,對方不知道。
經典劇情, 多年之後,男女豬不期而遇,mm 說“Maybe you don't know. Back in high school, I had a huge crush on you”. 帥鍋聽後,先茫然,再倀然,mm早幹嘛去了,現在小帥鍋都會打醬油了。
have a feeling for *****: 含蓄版 I like you,真情挑明前,互相試探用的
have a thing for *****: 同上
be attracted to *****: I am attracted to you but you are attracted to me. 落花有意,流水無情。or 郎有情,妾無意。注意:用”to”,not “by”
see *****: Are you seeing XX? 這不是問你盯著帥鍋看。問你和帥鍋正交往嗎
go steady with *****: 正處著呢.. 老媽放心了
date: have a date with *****. Here date is 約會; XX is my date. Here date 成人了
blind date: 大媽大嬸瞎整的,俺們優質剩mm不需要這個
a big catch: “聽說你正和XX交往,XX可是a big catch “。A big catch 就是金龜婿, 對mm來說
a gold digger: Anna Nicole, 年芳韶華,嫁了個八十多的老頭,typical gold digger, 不過老頭兒子不了樂,官司打了n年,好像到死也沒撈到什麽。中國來的鄧jj還是比較厲害滴
soul mate: 靈魂伴侶,最讓 sex and city 女主們垢病的詞。soulmate,太高太難了吧
third wheel: 就是沒人待見的電燈泡
fall head over heel with *****: 想象這個動作,全栽進去了
Can’t keep eyes off *****: za恁漂亮呢,瞧也瞧不夠,love is the eyes of beholder
PDA – Public Display Affection: 愛過頭了,公共場所也憋不住,阿湯哥和katie,典型教材。當年,為了向katie示愛,把歐大媽的豪華沙發都跳爛了,還從此創造了Jump the couch,都收到urban dictionary裏了。
jump the couch: Based on Tom Cruise's display of affection for Katie Holmes on Oprah. To jump the couch is to say a person has lost the ability to deal with emotions.
two lovebirds: Please leave those two lovebirds alone.
make out: 親熱。這麽有顏色的詞,字麵上咋就瞧不出來泥
Before,can't get eyes off each other.現在看夠了,看吐了
hit a rough patch -They hit a rough patch . But in every long-term relationship , ... So, it's just a bump in the road
in a cold war: 冷戰期
和還是分, this is a big question?
Commitment: I am not a commitment type. 那還是拜拜吧您
play the field –這是說還沒玩夠,no intention to settle down to make commitment.
George Cloony現在50了還在 play the field,mm們別等了. 回家吃飯吧, 帥鍋隻是個傳說
One nightstand – totally the opposite of relationship
get over *****: And move on. 忘了才能前行。偉大濕人說過,一段感情的結束是另一段感情的開始,好戲還在後頭
closure: 了卻。俞jj最需要這個。十五年了還惦著劉大叔呢。人有幾個十五年啊
Hook up with *****: 搭上某人
break up with *****: 和XX分手
make up with *****: 又好上了。老媽白操心了。
Hollywood celebrity stories are always about hook-up, mess-up, break-up, make-up…
“It’s not you. It’s me” – of course it is you, always you. I am perfect.
“Sorry, xx. You are a good person, but blah blah” – Yeah, you are a good person, but not good enough for me. 這時侯,沒人想當好人了,全世界都一樣。
“I hope we can still be friends” – I hope we never see each other again.