If you think that you don't know what sign flipping is, chances are that you probably have already seen someone doing it. Yes, at the corner of a busy intersection, that guy or gal who flips a big sign actively to attract passers-by's attention, remember? A somewhat unexpected piece of information is that these sign flippers are not cheap; instead, they cost about $30 per hour to "rent". Also, contrary to popular belief, sign flippers are said to love their jobs. One reason is that their employers know that they need to hire people who love the attention and are not afraid of the hard work. Actually, a fair percentage of sign flippers are singers or dancers. So, for you next big party or event, are you going to rent one?
Learn a Phrase: Sign Flipping
YouTube: Sign Flipper & Sign Spinner:
(899 bytes)
08/30/2013 postreply
Thanks! Great videos. Highly recommended.
(169 bytes)
08/30/2013 postreply
I never realize that sign flippers are so costly. Thanks for sha
(0 bytes)
08/30/2013 postreply
$30 per hour,good job!還看到過電動的sign flipper,not as personalble,tha
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08/30/2013 postreply