艱難困苦 玉汝於成

本帖於 2013-08-10 10:31:15 時間, 由普通用戶 京燕花園 編輯
拚音: jiān nán kùn kǔ 簡拚: jnkk
近義詞: 荊棘載途 反義詞: 萬事亨通
用法: 聯合式;作賓語、定語;形容處境艱苦,困難重重
解釋: 形容處境艱苦,困難重重。
出處: 清·李漁《巧團圓·書帕》:“怎奈爹爹過於詳慎,定要把艱難困苦之事試過幾樁,才與他完姻締好。”
例子: 中國共產黨,它的領導機關,它的幹部,它的黨員,是不怕任何~的。(毛澤東《論反對日本帝國主義的策略》)Hardships
Synonyms: Thorns way out antonyms: Wanshihengtong
Usage: Joint type; made ​​object, attribute; describe the situation difficult, difficult
Explanation: describe the situation difficult, difficult.
Source: Qing Li Yu, "Qiao Reunions · Book Pa": "persevering Daddy too careful detail surely be put to hardship tried yielded several things before marriage association with his good finish."
Examples: Chinese Communist Party, and its leading organs, its cadres, its members, is not afraid of any of ~. (Mao Zedong's "On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism")