地道美語:grassroots campaign(音頻文字)

本帖於 2012-09-16 12:55:27 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯
地道美語:grassroots campaign(音頻文字) ZT VOA

J: Hello and welcome to American Cafe! My name is Jody!

Y: 大家好,我是楊晨。Eh, Jody... 你拿了一堆什麽東西啊?

J: Oh, this stuff? Let's see, I have political posters .... what else do I have flyers, you know, information sheets... Wow, I really have a lot of work to do!

Y: 一大堆工作你還這麽高興啊,為什麽?

J: Well, I'm excited because the work is for a political grassroots campaign. See, I volunteered to hang posters and hand out flyers to people at subway stops.

Y: 噢,原來你是熱衷於這種基層群眾活動。

J: It's the best way for everyday citizens to get involved and make a difference! But hey, some of the people I met a grassroots campaign meeting can explain that it much better than I. Let's hear from them. Here's Rudy who organized the meeting that I went to.

Y: 下麵我們就來聽聽Rudy是怎麽說的:

實錄1 Rudy: My name is Rudy. I've lived in DC for a little under a year. And grassroots campaigning to me is a movement of people coming toward for a common cause, be it political or social, or whatever, banding together, working together to come to a common goal and hopefully be victorious in its outcome. The hierarchy is loose so everybody's voice counts. And in the end hopefully everyone is happy with the outcome.

Y: Rudy總結的很好。他說基層活動就是為了共同的目的, 大家聚集在一起,共同努力,最後獲得成功。 Jody, 你給大家解釋一下hierarchy的意思好嗎?

J: Okay! The hierarchy means the chain of command. And in a grassroots campaign the structure of the hierarchy is very loose. That means there's really no specific leader or boss.

Y: 對,這個hierarchy就是指揮係統,或者說體係。當然了,既然是基層群眾運動,那麽它的結構一定是比較鬆散。

J: Right. And in a grassroots campaign everybody comes together for, as Rudy said, a common goal and contributes what they can.

Y: 那多好啊。每個人都是平等的,沒有什麽上下級之分。

J: Right, like a true democracy.

Y: 你說的一點沒錯。這一類的自發性群眾活動正是美國民主的基礎。

J: Here's another definition of grassroots campaigning that I liked a lot from Michael.

Y: 好,我們再聽聽Michael的觀點。

實錄2 Michael Briggs: If I had to define grassroots campaigning, I would think that it's people working with each trying to really bring democracy to life, share ideas, get people involved behind their candidate, trying to change minds, and raise awareness about an issue or a politician.

Y: 哎,Jody,我突然想到,grassroots campaign這個說法是怎麽來的呢?

J: Oh, you know, I was curious about the origin, or the roots, haha, get it? Grassroots...anyway. I was curious about that myself. So let's have Michael help us out again.

實錄3 Michael Briggs: My understanding of it is that grass has roots that are very broad, and they're not very deep but they broad. The way grass grows is it sends its roots out and then sprouts and those sprouts send more and more roots out. So it's about a chain reaction or a growing web of people that over time come to life.

Y: 中文裏的“grassroots”就是草根的意思。草的生命力很旺盛,它的根部蔓延得很快,用這個詞來形容這種基層群眾活動非常形象。另外,Michael說的chain reaction就是連鎖反應的意思。

J: The more people you reach out to, the more people they reach out to, and so on, and so on and so on. I'd say that joining a grassroots campaign is the best to empower yourself.


J: That's why a woman named Catayune joined a grassroots campaign to elect a political candidate.

實錄4 Catayune: My name is Catayune and I live in Washington DC. I grew up in Ohio. Grassroots campaign helps me because it means that ideas and emphasis and energy comes up from the grassroots, from everyday citizens. So it helps empower everyday citizens to really have a voice in national politics.

Y: 你覺不覺得今天我們采訪的這幾個人他們都強調群眾參與,每個公民都應該發出自己的聲音這樣一種概念,這也正是群眾運動的意義所在。

J: Well, what do you think, Yang Chen. Joining a big group of people and fighting for the same common goal doesn't it sound exciting?

Y: 嗯,太讓人激動了。

J: You don't sound very 激動了. Come on let's go join everyone and take part in the grassroots campaign.

Y: 那就走吧,還等什麽呢?

J: Thanks for joining us on American Cafe. We gotta go! See ya!


Thanks for sharing! -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2012 postreply 13:33:46

My pleasure. Have a nice evening. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2012 postreply 17:43:25
