This explanation is forced analogy. crossexamination like this:
What a friend has to do with a meeting at a fixed interval "at least a month"?
According to Xu Shen of Han Dynasty, peng 朋 is a pictograph of a lengendary phonix-like bird (altered to resemble 月) now 鵬.
Or: 象形。本義:古代貨幣單位。相傳五貝為一朋。或說五貝為一係,兩係為一朋)
These three, which one i trust more? I think Li compared pen with month 月 is no reason.
Like 友, is composed by two hands together in concert, Follow his way, he would not figure the hand out.
The connection of 朋友 with English is structure and sound, the hand is useful in it.
And by comparison with di / enemy. which is composed by mere and strike...