習慣用語: put the kibosh on(音頻文字)ZT
這倒讓我想起了一個習慣用語,那就是:put the kibosh on。
Kibosh,的來曆我們先不去管它。Put the kibosh on,這個習慣用語的意思是防止一件事情,一項計劃的發生。我是鐵了心要去渡假,所有即使刮風下雨,也不會改變計劃。Even lousy weather won't put the kibosh on my visit,你說什麽?颶風?那就要另當別論了。我給大家講個故事,這可是真事,就發生在我朋友身上。
例句-1:I was walking my dog in the park when it happened. A big dog got excited and leapt toward us, pushing me hard against a light pole. My back hurt so badly for the next two weeks, I could hardly get in and out of bed. That accident put the kibosh on all my normal activities.
Ouch! 好在他現在感覺好多了,不僅已經回去上班,而且還準備重新開始到健身房去鍛煉。
說到受傷,今年是我父母的金婚。大姐一直在籌備家庭聚會,給老倆口好好熱鬧熱鬧,但是媽媽就要手術,That is putting the kibosh on the party. 我們隻好等她老人家康複以後再說。
例句-2:On May 6, 1937, a German airship had made another successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. As it was docking in New Jersey, it suddenly burst into flames. That tragedy effectively put the kibosh on such travel. But now the development of airships is once again being encouraged.
我聽說,現在有人考慮,用飛艇提供短程和中程的交通服務,其中也包括旅遊。我想,能在大峽穀上空滑翔,一定美不勝收,但是我老公卻執意要去做直升飛機,我已經明確告訴他,我絕對不會擠到狹小的直升飛機裏去。You've put kibosh on that idea!
說了半天,大家一定想知道,put the kibosh on,這個習慣用語裏的kibosh一詞的來源。有人說,這個詞是猶太語,意思是壓迫。也有人說,這個詞最早來自德語。也許,We should put the kibosh on further speculation. 真的沒必要繼續猜測了,最重要的是學會這個習慣用語的用法。
這倒讓我想起了一個習慣用語,那就是:put the kibosh on。
Kibosh,的來曆我們先不去管它。Put the kibosh on,這個習慣用語的意思是防止一件事情,一項計劃的發生。我是鐵了心要去渡假,所有即使刮風下雨,也不會改變計劃。Even lousy weather won't put the kibosh on my visit,你說什麽?颶風?那就要另當別論了。我給大家講個故事,這可是真事,就發生在我朋友身上。
例句-1:I was walking my dog in the park when it happened. A big dog got excited and leapt toward us, pushing me hard against a light pole. My back hurt so badly for the next two weeks, I could hardly get in and out of bed. That accident put the kibosh on all my normal activities.
Ouch! 好在他現在感覺好多了,不僅已經回去上班,而且還準備重新開始到健身房去鍛煉。
說到受傷,今年是我父母的金婚。大姐一直在籌備家庭聚會,給老倆口好好熱鬧熱鬧,但是媽媽就要手術,That is putting the kibosh on the party. 我們隻好等她老人家康複以後再說。
例句-2:On May 6, 1937, a German airship had made another successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. As it was docking in New Jersey, it suddenly burst into flames. That tragedy effectively put the kibosh on such travel. But now the development of airships is once again being encouraged.
我聽說,現在有人考慮,用飛艇提供短程和中程的交通服務,其中也包括旅遊。我想,能在大峽穀上空滑翔,一定美不勝收,但是我老公卻執意要去做直升飛機,我已經明確告訴他,我絕對不會擠到狹小的直升飛機裏去。You've put kibosh on that idea!
說了半天,大家一定想知道,put the kibosh on,這個習慣用語裏的kibosh一詞的來源。有人說,這個詞是猶太語,意思是壓迫。也有人說,這個詞最早來自德語。也許,We should put the kibosh on further speculation. 真的沒必要繼續猜測了,最重要的是學會這個習慣用語的用法。