Notifying your beneficiaries. Whether a beneficiary is primary or contingent, you should make the beneficiary aware of their status. They will need to know this, so they can take the necessary steps to receive the asset upon your death.
請教各位大俠:我先生遺囑提到他的房子歸我(事實也是我們共同付清了貸)在法院認證的過程中的一個步驟是要把上庭的通知送到他與前妻的兩個兒女(都50歲左右)的手中,我的律師發送了3 次certifie mail(分別3次開庭時間)他們都拒決簽收。我住New York 他們住Florida, 而New York法院規定隻有在New York的可以請Server,但是 發到Florida必須是certifie mail or Fedex. 這一過程已經拖了3個月了,