
本帖於 2025-03-12 12:58:59 時間, 由普通用戶 chinomango 編輯

DO NOT BUY Horrible - Whirlpool piece of junk

Would Not Recommend

I submitted a review on the Whirlpool Washer (Model #WTW4816FW) that I bought less than 2 years ago on the Lowes.com website on last Thursday (2/13/25) and received an email asking me to confirm my email, which I did and it said that my review would be reviewed before being posted on Lowe's.com Then I received the email today saying that there was a response to my review with the button to "view the discussion", I followed the link, I clicked on it and it does NOT take me to my review and NO response to the review. The whirlpool washer we bought less than 2 years ago simply stopped working and we did not buy the store extended warranty because we trusted that the Whirlpool brand was an old and trusted brand, additionally the warranty wouldn't even cover anything since it's over a year old. We also tried the troubleshooting on the whirlpool website but the washer never worked. It continues NOT draining and then also continues running and running, it doesn't stop until unplugged. We called Whirlpool service and the only options we had was to pay $34 a month for an entire year and if cancelled before one year we would be charged whatever months we left times the $34 OR pay for the part and labor to replace the under two year old board, which as you know would cost more than the washer itself. We are very upset to know that many others who submitted 1-star reviews all had the exact same issues we experienced by buying this washer that wouldn't last past two years.

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Response from WhirlpoolTeam

Thank you for sharing your insights with us. We're sorry to hear that you had a negative experience, as we always try to provide our customers with the best support possible. Please reach out to us directly via Facebook (bit.ly/3EmnJE5) or Instagram (bit.ly/45Urm02) so we can investigate this further. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.


中文也發一下 -chinomango- 給 chinomango 發送悄悄話 chinomango 的博客首頁 (1937 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:00:46

不到兩年應該是給換的。我的冰箱不製冰,他們派了技師來看,來過3次決定不修,給換了新的。 -資深海豚- 給 資深海豚 發送悄悄話 資深海豚 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:02:59

順便說我的上裝省水型,衣服上一堆細毛很難刷掉-求助!normal56分的周期實際洗衣服轉不到20分鍾,其餘是平衡甩幹啥的 -chinomango- 給 chinomango 發送悄悄話 chinomango 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:06:12

俺有一台whirpool洗衣機和烘幹機 -碰碰胡- 給 碰碰胡 發送悄悄話 碰碰胡 的博客首頁 (231 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:07:51

俺也有一台whirpool洗衣機和烘幹機, -yfdc- 給 yfdc 發送悄悄話 yfdc 的博客首頁 (201 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 15:35:56

我的maytag還好啊 十幾年如一日 任勞任怨 -赤腳行醫無界- 給 赤腳行醫無界 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:08:25

舊的上裝的當然是好的,滾筒的那個支架10年後會爛掉-廠商有意的 -chinomango- 給 chinomango 發送悄悄話 chinomango 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:09:31

there are moving part that will wear out. I just replaced on -borisg- 給 borisg 發送悄悄話 borisg 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:25:58

新的估計不行,被 Whirlpool收購了 -胡雪鹽8- 給 胡雪鹽8 發送悄悄話 胡雪鹽8 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:10:16

GE是Haier在大美生產的,美國製造 -胡雪鹽8- 給 胡雪鹽8 發送悄悄話 胡雪鹽8 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:08:32

就一個review怎麽就淪陷了。 -seattleWA- 給 seattleWA 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 13:55:11

早期壞有可能是個案,但提供的解決方案說明廠家隻想騙錢;電腦板不該保修幾年嗎? -chinomango- 給 chinomango 發送悄悄話 chinomango 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/12/2025 postreply 16:10:13
