【紅五參 膠囊】

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回答: 【黨參 與 人參】弓尒2018-03-15 08:32:51


紅景天(學名:Rhodiola rosea L),別名:薔薇紅景天,掃羅瑪布爾(藏名)等;為多年生草本植物,高10-20厘米。根粗壯,圓錐形,肉質,褐黃色,根頸部具多數須根,根莖短,粗狀,圓柱形,被多數覆瓦狀排列的鱗片狀的葉。 生長在海拔1800—2500米高寒無汙染地帶,其生長環境惡劣,因而具有很強的生命力和特殊的適應性。可作藥用,能夠補氣清肺,益智養心,是一味作用廣泛的中藥。亦有很大的美容效果,可作護膚品,也可食用。

Rhodiola rosea a2.jpghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodiola_rosea?

Rhodiola rosea (commonly golden rootrose rootroseroot,[2]:138 Aaron's rodArctic rootking's crownlignum rhodiumorpin rose

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Rhodiola is a plant. The root is used as medicine.

Rhodiola is used for many conditions, but so far, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine whether or not it is effective for any of them.

Rhodiola is used for increasing energy, stamina, strength and mental capacity; and as a so-called “adaptogen” to help the body adapt to and resist physical, chemical, and environmental stress. It is also used for improving athletic performance, shortening recovery time after long workouts, improving sexual function; fordepression; and for heart disorders such as irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol.

Some people use rhodiola for treating cancertuberculosis, and diabetes; preventingcold and flu, aging, and liver damage; improving hearing; strengthening the nervous system; and enhancing immunity.

Rhodiola is native to the arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and Alaska. It has a long history of use as a medicinal plant in Iceland, Sweden, France, Russia, and Greece. It is mentioned by the Greek physician Dioscorides as early as the first century AD.

Some people use the term “arctic root” as the general name for this product; however, arctic root is actually a trademarked name for a specific commercial extract.


How does it work?

Rhodiola extracts might help protect cells from damage, regulate heartbeat, and have the potential for improving learning and memory. However, none of these effects have been studied in humans.


Rhodiola heterodonta.jpg

The name combines the Greek rhodon, meaning rose and referring to the rose-like smell of the roots, with the Latin diminutive suffix -iola


treatment of anxiety and depression, there is little scientific evidence to verify any benefit.

(FDA) has issued warning letters to manufacturers of R. rosea dietary supplement products unapproved as new drugs, adulterated, misbranded and in federal violation for not having proof of safety or efficacy for the advertised conditions of alleviating Raynaud syndromealtitude sickness, and depression.[13][14]R. rosea is also listed on the FDA's Poisonous Plant Database.

A 2012 report by the European Medicines Agency on literature concerning the dried extract of R. rosea stated that "The published clinical trials exhibit considerable deficiencies in their quality. Therefore 'well-established use' cannot be accepted" and added: "The traditional use as anadaptogen 'for temporary relief of symptoms of stress such as fatigue and sensation of weakness' is appropriate for traditional herbal medicinal products. ... The long-standing use as well as the outcome of the clinical trials support the plausibility of the use of the mentioned herbal preparation in the proposed indication."[18]

 "Assessment report on Rhodiola rosea L., rhizoma et radix"(PDF). European Medicines Agency. 27 March 2012. Retrieved 30 May2017.







每100g含:總皂苷 7.1g、紅景天苷 0.21g。



五加(拉丁學名:Eleutherococcus senticosus),別名:刺拐棒、坎拐棒子、一百針、老虎潦、五加參、俄國參、西伯利亞人參,落葉灌木,主要分布於亞洲東北部,西伯利亞一帶。其根部和根狀莖可入藥。
生於山坡林中及路旁灌叢中;藥圃常有栽培。分布於華中、華東、華南和西南。根皮祛風濕、強筋骨,泡酒製五加皮酒(或製成五加皮散)。 根皮含揮發油、鞣質、棕桐酸、亞麻仁油酸、維生素A,B1。

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Eleutherococcus senticosus is a species of small, woody shrub in the family Araliaceae native toNortheastern Asia.[1][3] It may be colloquially called Siberian ginsengeleutherociwujiaDevil's shrub,shigokatouch-me-notwild pepper, or kan jang.[4] E. senticosus has a history of use in folklore andtraditional Chinese medicine.[1] Root extracts of E. senticosus are sold as a dietary supplement orcosmetic, usually under the name Siberian ginseng.


means sentis (thorn-bush, briar), an adjective meaning "thorny" or "full of briers or thorns."[citation needed]It is not the same plant as American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) or Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng).[5]It has a diversity of common names across its range of distribution.[1][3]

E. senticosus may have adverse interactions with alcohol.[6] 




Schisandra chinensis (common name: magnolia-vineChinese magnolia-vineschisandra),[1]whose fruit is called magnolia berry[4] or five-flavor-fruit[1] (from Chinese wǔ wèi zi), is a deciduouswoody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East. It is hardy in USDA Zone 4. The plant likes some shade with moist, well-drained soil. The species itself is dioecious, thus flowers on a female plant will only produce fruit when fertilized with pollen from a male plant. However, a hybrid selection titled 'Eastern Prince' has perfect flowers and is self-fertile. Seedlings of 'Eastern Prince' are sometimes sold under the same name, but are typically single-sex plants.

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Withania somnifera, known commonly as ashwagandha,[2] Indian ginseng,[3] poison gooseberry,[3]or winter cherry,[2] is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family. Several other species in the genus Withania are morphologically similar.[4] Although commonly used as a medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicine, there is no high-quality clinical evidence that it has any biological effect.


